George's Mistake

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Sasha arrives home after drinking with Mark for a couple hours before he left to go back to New York. Heading up to her and Meredith's room, she finds a crying Meredith in bed, which sobers her up immensely.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Geor- and I-I -kiss- I-," Meredith sobs out, not making sense to Sasha, especially with the amount of alcohol in her system.

Laying down, Sasha cradles Meredith to her as her girlfriend cries into her chest and clings to her. They lay like that for hours, not moving even when Meredith's sobs slow down and eventually stop. 

"What happened, Mer?"

"George said he loved me and then we kissed and he was on top of me and-and-" Meredith starts saying, wrapping her arms around Sasha tighter, "We-we did it and I-I started crying and then he left."

Smoothing done Meredith's hair, Sasha kisses her forehead, "Do you want me to go kick his ass? Cause I will."

She shakes her head, "No, just lay with me."

The couple lays there until Meredith's alarm clock goes off. Reaching over, Sasha turns it off before they get ready for the day. After getting dressed, they walk out into the hall when George walks out of his room and causes everyone to freeze. Sasha glares slightly at the man. Meredith was clearly in a very vulnerable state and he took advantage of that. 

She only stops glaring when a half naked Alex hops out of Izzie's room, followed by a disheveled Izzie, "Morning," when she gets no response, she looks between the trio, "What? So I slept with him again. So I'm a big whore. A big, horny whore who can't get enough. Can we get over the shocked silence already?"

"Not everything's about you, Stevens," Sasha comments, guiding Meredith downstairs and out the door.


Walking out of the bathroom, Sasha finds Alex, Cristina and Izzie watching George and Meredith awkwardly avoid each other and coming up with theories before Cristina and Izzie decide to question them.

"What's, uh, what's going on?" Izzie asks.

"Nothing," Meredith shakes her head.

Sasha levels Izzie with a glare, "Leave it at that. I got almost zero sleep last night and I'm hungover. Let's get to rounds before Bailey kills us."


Burke's patient is their first stop of the day, "Who would like to present?"

Of course, Cristina steps up, "Keith Paulus, admitted last night with chest pains. Status post acute MI. No family or personal history of heart disease, no cardiac risk factors."

The woman on the couch pipes up, "He's healthy as a horse."

"A horse who's in bed after just having a heart attack," Keith comments.

"See, any minute, I think you're gonna tell us that this was a false alarm and it just seemed that he had a heart attack."

"She talks when she gets nervous," Keith explains.

Dr. Burke listens to Keith's heart, "I understand. Mr. Paulus, unfortunately, the scan shows what looks like a mass around your heart, a very, very large mass."

"Mass. Okay. Is that code for tumor?"

"Okay," She's moved to stand next to his bed, "That's  absurd. He doesn't have a tumor. He's incredibly healthy."

"We won't know without further exploration, which is why I'd like to do an angiogram today," Burke tells them.

"Okay. Good."

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