Code Black

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Sasha lays in bed with Meredith on top of her, not moving.

"I'm not going to work."

Izzie and George stand at the side of the bed, the blonde eating cereal straight out of the box, "You have to go to work. You're an intern. And you have to let Sasha go to work. Saving lives is not optional."

Meredith buries her head into Sasha's chest, "Yes, it is. I'm staying home."

Sasha glares at the two, "I, for once, invited you two in here. I did that because I thought you'd help!"

George moves to the side of the bed, "Uh, Mer. Maybe they'll be a horrible accident nearby the hospital. You can cut a bunch of people open- sternotomies, craniotomies. That'd be fun, right?"

"I don't care about surgeries."

Groaning, Sasha holds her hand out, "Get me my phone."

With a quick text off to her sister, Cristina arrives in the couples bedroom in no time, "You have a feeling?"

Meredith lifts her head up, looks at her person before burying her head back into Sasha, "Yes."

"Okay, what kind of feeling?"

"I'm losing feeling in my lungs," Sasha slightly wheezes out.

"Shh," Cristina shushes her.

"Like I might die," Meredith answers the original question.

Cristina crosses her arms, "Today? Tomorrow, in 50 years? Cause we're all gonna die eventually-"

Sasha raises her hand, "I kinda feel like I'm dying right now."

"-But now we're late. Let's go," Cristina continues on.

Meredith lifts her head, making it a little easier for Sasha to breathe, "Cristina, come on."

Sighing, Cristina moves to the side of the bed, "Okay. This is me being supportive," She takes a seat.


She pretends to look interested, "Yeah, fine. I'm totally supportive. Go."

Meredith rolls off of Sasha and sits up slightly, "Okay, the man I love has a wife, and then he chooses her over us, and that wife takes my dog and sometimes my girlfriend," Cristina and Sasha share a confused look, "Okay she didn't take the dog, I gave it to her."


"But I didn't mean to give it to her, I meant to give it to him. And she doesn't take my girlfriend, she's her teacher. But that does not change the fact that she's got our McDreamy, my McDog and sometimes my McGirlfriend. She's got my McLife."

Sasha snorts, "Where are we, McDonalds?" She hears a snort come from George outside the bedroom.

Meredith just keeps going, "And what have I got? A majority of the time my McGirlfriend. Do you know I can't remember the last time we kissed? Cause you never think the last time is the last time. You think they'll be more. You think you have forever, but you don't," She plops back on top of Sasha, "Plus, my conditioner decided to stop working and I think I have brittle bones. I just...I need something to happen. I need a sign that things are gonna change. I need a reason to go on. I need some hope."

"Hi," Sasha pokes her girlfriend's side, "I'm Sasha, your girlfriend. The one you are currently using as a body pillow."

"And in the absence of hope, my McGirlfriend and I need to stay in bed and feel like I might die today."

Cristina nods, before standing up and flipping the cover off them and standing on the bed, "Whatever. Everyone has problems. Now get your ass off my sister and out of bed and get to work. Now!" She kicks the two girlfriends literally out of bed, "Move! Move! Move!"

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