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Sasha and Meredith listen as the other interns discuss them, "They didn't even know he was married. I mean, his wife just shows up and he dumps them. I hear the blonde one flipped out."

"What do they expect? They got what they deserved, trying to be a throuple with an attending."

"Dating McDreamy. Have you seen his hair? No guys that perfect."

A third voice chimes in, "I think it's kind of sad. They have to work here, be a couple here- with him, with them-everyone knows."

Sasha sees Meredith stare at her locker before going around the corner to confront the three interns, "You know," They all jump around with guilty looks on their faces, "Just cause you talk about our lives doesn't automatically give you one. If you're jealous that no attending would ever even look your way, just say so. Maybe if you closed your mouths enough, a brain would stay inside your head."

"We were just-"

"Just shutting up about my girlfriend and I? Yeah, you are," With that, Sasha goes back to her locker.

"Thanks," Meredith tells her.

"It was just as much for me as it was you. Don't thank me."


Following Bailey, Meredith and Sasha find Cristina, George and Izzie at the nurses station. Bailey asks them, "Where's Karev?"

Izzie jokes, "Probably off somewhere not kissing somebody."

"Let's go, O'Malley," Bailey calls for George as Cristina and Izzie pull the couple in for a huddle.

"Hey, so, um, after rounds, we have something to show you two."

Sasha nods, taking a sip of her coffee as Meredith stares off, "Mere? Meredith, can you hear us?"

Cristina hits Izzie's shoulder, "She's not deaf."

Izzie shrugs, "Well, she looks weird."

"What do you expect?" Sasha asks, "Derek didn't pick us. She's not handling it well."

"You mean gone mental."

Meredith glares at Cristina as Izzie asks her, "Meredith, have you gone mental?"

She turns to Izzie, "I have not gone mental."

"See? Okay, she's fine. We have something to show you two. So whatever you do, do not get assigned to a surgery this morning."

"It's really good."

The elevator doors open to show an arguing Addison and Derek come out of the elevator. Before they can walk away, Addison turns to Sasha, "Williams, you're with me today. Meet me in the NICU after rounds."

Nodding, Sasha and Meredith watch them walk away while another group of interns walk past pointing at them, "Yeah, those are the two interns."

Cristina pushes Meredith and Sasha into the elevators while telling the others, "Yeah, mind your own business."


Cristina is the first to present during rounds, "Mrs. Kimberly Griswold. A history of heart disease and multiple surgeries. In for a beating heart quadruple CABG."

Alex walks in late, Izzie commenting, "You're late."

"Yes, Karev, nice of you to join us," Burke adds, "Why keep the heart beating, Dr. Yang?"

She looks to Izzie before saying, "I don't know."

Burke and Bailey get small looks of panic, "What?"

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