Family in the Hospital

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Sasha jogs ahead of Cristina and Meredith as the trio go up a hill to a grassy area. She hears Cristina yell at her, "You're a stupid, evil sadist and I want to kill you."

Laughing, she turns to face her sister and girlfriend, both of who are out of breath, and say, "C'mon! It's not that bad. Endorphins are good, feel the endorphins. Don't you two feel better?"

Cristina stops as Meredith and Sasha jog in circles around her as they trade insults.

"I'm stupid."

"Slutty mistress'."

"Pregnant whore."

"Sleeping with our bosses was a great idea," Cristina says, bending over.

Meredith stops to catch her breath, "You know what's ruined for me? Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek's got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a freakin' ferry boat-"

Cristina interrupts her as Sasha kisses Meredith's cheek, "You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery bypass grafts. And aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms," She lays down on the ground as the couple join her.

Sasha kicks one leg up and starts pulling it back to stretch, "Have you cried yet?"

"Hello?" Cristina looks at her sister like she's an idiot, "Do you think we'd feel better if we cry? You know, just like, let it out?"

"Probably, yeah." "Absolutely."

"Do you wanna cry now?"

"Absolutely not." "No."

Cristina nods, "Okay, let's-let's jog."

Sasha hops up, bending up to pull Meredith up and straight into a kiss.

"Okay, let's keep the PDA away from me."

Just to annoy her sister, Sasha pulls Meredith back towards her and connects their lips. Meredith's arms go around her waist as Sasha lets hers rest around Meredith's shoulders before moving so her hands were cupping her girlfriend's face. Pulling away, Sasha gives Meredith a wink and while keeping eye contact with her, says, "I don't hear Mer complaining."

Meredith shakes her head and goes in for another kiss before Cristina pulls them apart, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we get back to jogging, you slutty mistress'?"


Getting ready in the locker room, Sasha, Cristina, Meredith and George watch as Alex and Izzie giggle while talking to one another. Disturbed, Sasha asks, "What the hell is she doing?"

"She's hanging out with Alex."

"Why?" Cristina asks George.

"I don't know," Looking up, Sasha has to stifle a laugh at George's face, "I think-think they, uh, might be friends," they watch the two laugh more before he whispers, "Make the lambs stop screaming."

The trio of girls look back at him. He sees their looks and promptly turns away.


Izzie tries explaining to the group as they walk through the halls, "You guys are wrong about him, all right? Once you get to know him, he's really sweet."

George sums up what the others are kinda thinking, "He's Alex."


They catch up to Alex and Bailey, the former looking back, "Hey, Grey, Izzie was telling me you have tapes of your mom performing surgery. I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action."

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