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Sasha sits at the table, books spread out in front of her as she takes notes, "Doll, it is not six am. How long have you been up?"

"The intern exam is only a couple months away. If I fail that, it puts me behind every other intern in my class and I don't fail. I am always first in my class. I even beat Cristina out for valedictorian in high school and it is still one of proudest accomplishments. Anyways, I don't fail," Sasha tells Mark as he sits up in bed, rubbing at his eyes.

"You still have months, so I see no reason for you to be up at five am studying. Especially since you are growing a human in your uterus," Mark stands up, taking the textbook out of her reach as she whines, trying to take the textbook back, "Get in bed. And for once I don't mean it in a dirty way."

"But I like when you mean it in a dirty way."

"Sleep, Goddess, sleep."


Changing into her scrubs, Sasha sees Alex set a cup of tea in her open locker, for which he receives a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

"Today is the day, people. Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever and bright and shiny Meredith takes her place," Meredith tells them, not noticing as everyone is crowded around George, "You're probably not gonna wanna be friends with me anymore because the sheer intensity of my happiness is gonna make your teeth hurt but that's okay because life is good."

"Meredith, George's dad was admitted last night," Sasha explains to her.

"Oh, my God. Is he okay?"

George reads his dad's chart, turning to Meredith, "Oh, no, he's fine."

Izzie explains a little more fully, "He, uh, passed out, his the floor and fractured his clavicle."

Sasha runs a hand through George's hair, something her birth mother used to do to her that would calm her down when upset and still worked to this day, as she reminds George, "But his clavicle's fine because Callie said it's gonna be fine. And Callie wouldn't lie about that."

"Are those his AM labs?" Meredith asks about the chart.

"Yeah," Alex nods, "Complaining of severe abdominal pain."

Cristina reads over George's shoulder, "He doesn't have peritoneal signs. That's good."

Bailey walks into the locker room, "Has anybody seen..."

George is quick to close the chart, "I was just looking at it."

Bailey takes the chart back, "Don't you think me reading it is more than you reading it?

"He's gonna be fine," George mumbles, mostly to himself as he stands, causing Sasha's hand to fall away.

"You're on scut today. You'll be distracted."

"No, I won't," George argues.

Sasha sighs, shaking her head, "Meredith was put on scut when her mom was admitted. I was put on scut when Cristina was admitted. You get put on scut now that your father's been admitted. Just do the scut and be with your family."

George nods before leaving the room as Cristina stands, "I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning."

"Of course you are," Bailey says slowly as Cristina walks towards her, "Karev, Williams, Sloan. Grey, pit. Stevens, shadow Karev, not Williams. And let me remind you again of the rules of your probation."

"I think she knows the rules, Dr. Bailey," Alex stops the resident.

Bailey continues anyways, "No touching patients, no talking to patients, no rolling your eyes at the patients or Dr. Williams or any of your other superiors."

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