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Sasha stands on the bridge, facing the Chief's desk as she watches Cristina, Bailey, Derek, Burke and Webber talk. Mark holds a tea in front of her, "Anything interesting, doll?"

"Just making sure Cristina's okay."

"You think Burke's gonna let Yang move back in anytime soon?" Mark asks, sipping his cappuccino.

"You want her out that bad?" Sasha asks, looking over to him quickly.

"No, no. I just want what you want. For her to be okay," Mark quickly shakes his head, holding out a muffin, "Blueberry muffin?"

Taking it, Sasha smiles at him, "Maybe what's best for her is for him to move to another country. Like Antartica or Mars."

Mark stares at her, confused, "Mars isn't another country."

She shrugs, watching as Bailey and Cristina leave the office, "But it isn't Seattle, either."

"Okay," Mark drags out before changing the subject, "When's our next appointment?"

"There was an earlier availability so I got us in this afternoon at three. You able to make it?" 

"To see my baby? I'd let Karev take over for me in surgery."


Sasha walks with Cristina towards the intern locker room, "Who's more pissed: Bailey, Burke or Webber."

"Bailey and Burke may be tied," Cristina sighs, "Webber's hands are tied because no one died and we legally didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, you didn't kill someone like Stevens did," Sasha smirks at the blonde as they walk through the locker room.

Izzie rolls her eyes as almost everyone else stares judgingly at Cristina, who says to George, "Would you stop looking at me like that? It's creepy, and it makes me feel like you haven't been fed."

Sasha tilts her head, shrugging, "His mommy does do almost everything else for him."

George gets up, leaving with Alex and Izzie following him.

"How's it going?" Meredith asks Cristina.

"How's what going?"

Meredith shrugs as Sasha sits on the bench next to her, "You and Burke, are you okay?"

Cristina sighs, "I'm mostly staying with Sasha and Sloan but when I do go back to the apartment or see him here, we're existing in total silence."

"He's not talking to you?" Meredith asks.

Sasha shakes her head, "It's not like she's talking to him either."

Meredith turns to Cristina, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Cristina doesn't look up, "Stop asking me that."

"I'm making an effort here."

"Please don't," Cristina tells her.

"Rounds started 30 seconds ago," Bailey basically glares at Meredith and Cristina.

Meredith and Sasha are quick to duck out of the locker room, before finding safety as Bailey and Cristina stay behind for a second so Sasha stops Meredith and kisses her cheek, "Thank you for making an effort. Not just for me but for Cristina too."

The interns start walking with Bailey when Addison's voice stops them from behind, "Dr. Bailey, can I have Grey?"

"You can have them all," Bailey comments, continuing to walk as Meredith stops with Addison

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