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Sasha checks on Ava's baby, looking over labs as the baby lays in the incubator, "Hi. Has your mom been in to visit? Mothers....they are a special breed. I guess I'll be joining their ranks soon enough."

"Are you talking to the baby?" Alex asks, moving to stand next to her, "Otherwise I would say you're talking to yourself and therefore, are crazy. Trust me. I know crazy."

"I'm talking to the baby. Even if I weren't, I'm growing two which means I will always have someone to talk too," Sasha smirks. 

"Do any of these babies ever respond to you? With words?"

She shoots him a confused look, "Why would you-"

Alex shrugs, "Because, if they respond, then you are crazy. So, are you crazy?"

Sasha pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head, "No, I'm not. Well, I might be because I'm your friend, but not because I'm hearing voices."


Derek and Sasha head out front of the hospital to find Meredith sitting on a bench, "Hey, we heard about Susan. How is she?"

Meredith turns to them, Sasha sitting between her and Derek, "Oh, an infection. She'll be fine."

"Oh, good, cause I figured if anything was wrong, you'd tell us," Derek comments.

"If it's serious, she will," Sasha taps Derek's knee to remind him of Meredith's limits.

Sighing, Meredith lays her head on Sasha's shoulder, "You know, it's weird."


"My father-we're almost talking," Meredith tells them.

Sasha smiles, "Really? That's progress."

Meredith looks to Derek, "How's the trailer?"

He fake shivers, "It's freezing," This causes Sasha and Meredith to laugh as Derek adjusts the way he's sitting on the bench, "You two want to eat later? I'll bring something over."

"Are you using us for central heating?"

"Among other things," He smiles.

Sasha laughs before shaking her head, "I can't. Mark and my mother are taking me baby shopping. Never mind that I'll be getting off shift and will want to sleep, I have to go baby shopping."

Derek leans down, whispering to the bump, "You two are forcing your mom to spend time with her mother."

"I know. I feel like they should be grounded till they're old enough to want to avoid me."


Sasha holds her phone to her ear, "Addison, I'm sure everything will work out. Now, how about you tell me why you blew up at those people?"

"I'm barren. I came here to have a baby. To find a sperm donor and become a mom but apparently I'm all dried-up! They were all too busy worrying about who gets to claim the baby to actually listen to how she's doing! Do you know how insane that is? It's insane. And then Pete! Let me tell you about Pete. He comes in, all flirty, gets me to spill my guts and then kisses me!"

"With tongue?"

"Yes with tongue! And it was amazing! I don't want to spend anymore time talking or flirting with men because that's what got me to this position in the first place!"

"Addison, I say this as your friend and a woman that's slept with you. You are far from dried up. My advice, screw this Pete guy. Literally screw him and then come back to Seattle. Here, Mark or Alex can sleep with you and remind you how not dried up you are."

Over the phone, Addison lets out a little chuckle.

Sasha sighs, leaning back against the wall, "My mother's in town and, of course, Mark has got her wrapped around his finger. She came in, ready to hate him and is now ready to date him herself."

"He always manages to find a way to get women to fall for him. It's actually kind of impressive."

"That's a word for it," Sasha snorts, "Look, we can talk more when you get back to Seattle. Because you will be back, right? Pete hasn't swayed you to staying right?"

"Yes. I'll be back. I've gotta see Cristina Yang in a wedding dress and you in a bridesmaid dress."

"My dress is not gonna be any of the cotton candy, springy colors my mother wants. Cristina and I only have enough power together to defeat her once."

"And bridesmaid dress colors is the hill you are waiting to die on?"

"Duh. Do you know how many different places my mother will have these pictures? Every room in her house, on every Christmas card she sends for the rest of her life or until I get married. I will not be on those cards looking like cotton candy."

"Fair enough. I've gotta go. My patient is waking up. See you in a couple of days."


Standing in a baby shop, Sasha looks over cribs with her mom and Mark, "Okay, mom, I know you love the pastel pink, but we're having one of each. Things need to be gender neutral."

"Fine, be that way. I'm only trying to help," Helen raises her hands in defense.

"Helen, Sasha's right. We just need to keep the furniture gender neutral but the clothes on the other pink or blue or whatever as you want," Mark smiles, looking over the cribs before finding a light gray crib with a small, removable divider in the center for when the twins are a little older.

Sasha smiles, running a hand over the design on the side of the crib, "This is it. Yeah. It matches that changing station over there, and the dresser behind it."

Helen claps her hands, "Good, it's an excellent find, Mark. I'm gonna go find a clerk or worker to help us."

As she goes off to find someone, Sasha and Mark stay back as the mother-to-be smiles looking over the crib selection.

"Only a few more months and then we'll be parents," Mark reminds her, moving to stand next to her.

"Yeah. It's crazy. We need to find a place. I'm not raising twins in a hotel nor am I subjecting those at Mer's house to twins every night."

"I've actually been looking for an apartment and found one near the hospital. We can check it out tomorrow, if you want."

"You finally found a big boy place? No more hotel?" Sasha jokes, watching as her mother dictates to the workers which furniture pieces to load up.

Mark smiles, pushing the cart as he walks next to Sasha towards the baby clothes section, "Of course. I'm gonna be a dad. I need an actual place to raise our kids."

Sasha goes to respond to him but instead squeals when she sees a baby jumpsuit designed like a bear, "Mark, we have to get one for both of the twins. Imagine how cute they'll look!"

He chuckles, grabbing two before putting them in the cart before seeing a onesie with the saying I'm Perfect, Just Like My Daddy and putting it in the cart as well.

"Our children are going to grow up with a God complex, aren't they?"

"Yes, and part of it will be your fault."


AN: Sorry I've been MIA and that this one is super short. There wasn't much room to fit Sasha so I made up some sections.

I can't promise that I'll be better on updating, but I'll try!

QoC: How do you think Sasha will help Meredith cope with Susan's death?

Thank you for all of the votes and reads and comments!!!

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