Mending bridges

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Clearing the rest of the Citadel took up the next day and a half. Kaidan was finally back in his apartment, pacing the floor. The Normandy was due to depart within the hour. He knew it was now or never, his last chance to talk to her and try to make things right.

He got to the docking bay early and waited outside the airlock with his duffle bag, staring at the sleek and beautiful lines of the Normandy out the window. He watched other crew members, no one he recognized, trickle in and board the ship until finally the one person he'd been waiting for showed up.

"Major," she said in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you," he admitted, trying not to look disappointed at her use of his rank and not his name.

"What's up?"

"Listen...Hackett offered me a position with the Fifth Fleet," he started.

"Congratulations," she interrupted.

"I turned him down." At her stunned expression he continued, "I requested to be assigned to the Normandy again. And he said that if her Commander approved, so did he."

He saw something flicker across her face before she schooled it back to a neutral expression. "I don't think that's a good idea, Major. You'll have better opportunities with the Fifth Fleet. Request denied."

She started to move past him toward the airlock and the waiting ship. His mind raced. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. She was supposed to agree so that he'd have time to get the chance to make things right.

"Aubrey, wait!" he turned, grabbing her elbow, "Please, just listen."

She quickly jerked her arm from his grasp and rounded on him, anger and tears welling in her eyes.

"What the hell do you want from me, Kaidan?! What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry? Because I'm not. I'm not sorry that I used Cerberus resources to take down the Collectors. And nothing I say will change what they did to me to bring me back. Nothing I say will change your opinion of me – that I'm a monster and nothing more than the Illusive Man's puppet. Which means the only thing to say, Major.... is good-bye."

"No, that's not the only thing to say," he replied, taking a step closer to her as she went to turn away again. "You can say there's a chance you can forgive me." She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, the surprise evident on her face... and maybe a trace of hope written there, as well.

He finally knew what to say, "The only thing to say is that I'm sorry, Aubrey. I should've been by your side this whole time. When you died, it almost destroyed me and I spent two years praying for just one more day with you. Saying that I would give anything to have that. And then, when the universe granted my wish, I couldn't give the one thing I needed to – my trust. I was so blinded by my hate for Cerberus that I couldn't see that you were still the same woman I loved. I never should've walked away on Horizon. The only place in the galaxy I belong is with you, Aubrey. I was wrong and I'm so, so sorry. Please just tell me you can forgive me. Tell me that I haven't lost you again."

He couldn't stop the tears from falling as he dared to reach out and caress her cheek once he finished speaking. She took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes as his fingers met her skin, and her tears finally fell, too. He had never seen her cry before. She tentatively laid a hand on his chest as she stepped closer and he dropped his forehead to rest on hers, brushing away a tear with his thumb. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"You haven't lost me, Kaidan," she finally said softly, moving her face so that her lips hesitantly and barely brushed his, before laying her head on his shoulder and pulling him tightly against her. He wrapped her in his arms, resting his cheek on her head and letting his tears fall into her hair. Nothing had ever felt so right and perfect as the feeling of her in his arms. And as an overwhelming feeling of contentment and purpose filled him, there was only one word that came to his mind – home. I'm finally home.

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