Curing the genophage

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He found himself piled into a vehicle with Wrex, Eve, Mordin, Liara and Aubrey. James and Garrus had joined the vehicle behind them with some other members of clan Urdnot. As they drove over the rough and uneven terrain, Aubrey's gaze became more worried.

"You look troubled, Commander," Eve said, fixing Shepard with her keen eyes.

"I am," she said succinctly, her eyes going from Eve to Wrex to Mordin. "The Salarian Dalatrass contacted me after the briefing this morning."

"What for?" Mordin asked.

"She wanted to make a deal with me – I'd get Salarian assistance building the Crucible if I didn't tell Mordin that STG had sabotaged the shroud in order to prevent exactly what we're trying to do."

"Would have noticed. Familiar with STG methods. Can adjust," Mordin said rapidly after a brief scowl crossed his face.

"She wanted me to make sure you didn't," Aubrey confessed, the implication of how the Dalatrass intended that being clear.

"That harpy expected you to betray your clan and crew?" Wrex said, threateningly.

"Shows you how well she knows me," she replied with a half shrug of her shoulders and a slight grin.

Eve's eyes shone with mirth and Wrex grinned back at her.

"I won't be party to genocide. The Krogan people deserve a chance at a future. A chance to make different choices than they have before."

"Then let's kick the Reapers in the quads so that can happen," Wrex said.

The vehicle suddenly came to a screeching halt, throwing Aubrey off balance and into the wall.

"Wrex, Reaper ground forces are moving in!" their driver called back.

"James, Garrus, Kaidan with me. We'll keep them off you, Wrex. Just get to the shroud and we'll find a way to meet up with you there."

They quickly climbed down and fanned out to engage the enemy as the rest of the convoy sped away. Most were husks, but there were larger more misshapen ones with four eyes like Batarians and ones that looked disturbingly Turian.

"Get the cannibals down first!" Aubrey ordered, indicating the Batarian looking ones as she warped one of them and dropped a singularity over a group of husks to keep them away.

Kaidan threw back a husk and focused his fire on the nearest cannibal.

"Commander, this is Turian squadron Arcteris. We're starting our attack run," a grim voice came over the comms as the last of the husks went down.

"Negative, Arcteris! Ground forces are not in position to support you."

"I know, but the Reaper's already seen us. It's too late now."

"Shit," she cursed under her breath. "Wrex, the Turians are engaging the Reaper. How close are you?"

"Not close enough," came the reply. "And there's a complication." A loud rumble could be heard both over the comms and in the distance from the direction the trucks headed. "A giant ass thresher maw has decided to join the party. We've lost three vehicles already."

"Perfect," she said sarcastically. "Did Wreav invite it so I can more officially join the Clan?"

He let out a sharp bark of laughter, "We're trying to shake her. Head for the shroud!"

They watched as several of the Turian fighters got shot down by the Reaper before they called off the attack and fell back. The team hoofed it double time through an ancient Krogan ruin, continuing to fight Reaper forces along the way. They jogged around a corner and finally came within sight of the shroud, about a mile off. A low stone wall surrounded the ruins leading up to it and they saw what remained of the convoy parked and waiting. In between them, though, was a massive creature with the body of a Krogan, only larger if that was possible, and the head of a Turian. Its right arm ended in a massive claw like projection. A couple dozen husks milled around it.

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