Taking down Cerberus

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Just over two hours later they dropped out of FTL around Anadius right behind the strike team's ships. A large space station orbited the star, the tall thin structure only broken by the perpendicular strut of a docking arm for the hangar bays.

"The fleet's engaged Cerberus, Commander," Joker reported.

Admiral Hackett's voice came over the comm, "All forward! I don't want a single Cerberus ship left in my sky, understood?"

"Can you get us in?" she asked Joker.

"A lot of fighters guarding the launch bays, ma'am, but I got us to Ilos...I can do this."

"Then let's give 'em hell. James, Kaidan, and EDI grab your gear."

They booked it to the shuttle bay and met Cortez there. The shuttle launched and Steve deftly wove them through the battle raging around the station toward one of the launch bays on the docking arm.

"Kinetic barriers are up!" Steve warned them. "This is gonna be a bumpy landing."

They strapped in as the shuttle slammed through the barriers and skidded to a stop inside the bay.

"You okay, Steve?" he asked as they moved to exit.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll work on repairs – kick some Cerberus ass, Major."

They stepped off the shuttle and moved to cover behind the various crates stacked around the room as a Cerberus assault team entered.

EDI took down the shields of a trooper, leaving him open for Vega's bullets. He warped another one and Aubrey dropped a singularity over several others, sweeping them up for her and EDI to shoot down.

"Mech incoming!" James yelled, as an Atlas mech came stomping into the room.

He and Aubrey warped it at the same time that James lobbed a grenade at it and it wasn't long before the machine ground to a smoking halt.

"EDI! Can you get the hangar doors open?" Aubrey called over the sound of gunfire.

"I will try," she replied as she fought her way over to a console on the side of the room and started hacking. After a few moments she reported she wasn't able to open the doors, but had gained access to the fighter launch controls.

"We can make that work," Aubrey told her, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Prepare a fighter for launch, but rotate the platform a hundred and eighty degrees."

"Yes, Shepard," EDI replied.

As the fighter entered the launch bay from below and hovered, Kaidan put together what she was planning. If the fighter was turned, instead of launching out of the bay into space, it would be launched into the hangar bay doors. "Seems like you're feeling particularly destructive today, honey," he said, with a grin.

She shrugged, returning his grin, "What can I say? The Illusive Man just brings that out in me."

"Safety protocols overridden. Releasing docking clamps," EDI updated them on her progress at the console. They watched the fighter spin around and face the hangar doors.

"Now, EDI!" Aubrey ordered.

The fighter shot forward and exploded through the doors and several other walls behind it, leaving a trail of flaming debris.

"Yeah!" James cheered. "Take that, assholes!"

The celebration was cut short by the appearance of another squad of troops with a mech backing them up. The sound of bullets echoed off the walls and the flashes of blue from his and Aubrey's biotics danced across the floor.

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