Loss and love

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Cortez picked them up and got them back to the Normandy. Once again after the debriefing Aubrey told everyone to meet at the memorial wall. The same group gathered, now with Tali added. She approached with the same tray and glasses.

"A great Earth philosopher said 'As is a tale, so is a life; not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.' Legion's life as a true individual was so brief, but there was so much good in that moment..." she took a shaky breath as the tears overflowed. "Remember their life because it mattered."

She paused before raising her glass, saying, "To Legion." They all followed suit and she solemnly placed the plaque under Mordin's on the wall, moving back to stand beside him. This time he openly slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in to lean against him. They stood for a moment before everyone dispersed and he steered her to the elevator intending to get her up to bed so she could rest, but EDI followed them.

"EDI," Aubrey asked as she noticed, "Something on your mind?"

"I am...contemplating. The destruction of the Reaper on Tuchanka and now the one on Rannoch, along with the loss of Legion, has me reassessing the probable period of time before I become non-functional," she admitted.

"It's natural to be worried about dying, EDI. Well...for organics anyway."

"But I am not organic, Shepard. What is the purpose of my existence...of my life?"

"A question that every organic asks themselves, EDI. And the answer is the same – whatever you want it to be. You have free will, just like the rest of us. That means you get to choose what gives your life meaning and what your purpose is."

"So, the purpose of organic life is not to survive long enough to pass your genes on to subsequent generations?"

Aubrey chuckled, "No, EDI. There's far more to life than reproduction. Many people find meaning in their jobs, in their hobbies, in the good things they accomplish. And in the case of people who do choose to reproduce, the meaning is found in the love shared with their partner and offspring."

He reached down and intertwined their fingers, holding her hand tightly. If she only knew how much purpose she had given him over the years.

"I see. I will adjust my programming to consider these things further – duty, altruism...love."

"Let me know if you need anything else, EDI," she said as he drew her away and into the elevator. She didn't protest as he led her to bed and held her tightly, trying to ease some of her pain and grief at the loss of yet another friend.

Kaidan took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes the following morning. Aubrey's body stretched alongside him, her head nestled on his shoulder, her arm draped across his chest and one leg wrapped around his. He smiled softly at her still sleeping features. Her face was relaxed, her full lips slightly parted with her deep, even breaths. He had lost count of how many times he had woken up with her in his arms and watched her, simply content to have her next to him. When he had lost her with the original Normandy, it was moments like this that he had longed for and now he had them again. With the Reapers invading and the loss of his father, it only served to reinforce how precious these moments of peace and happiness were. And this time, he wouldn't take them for granted.

She stirred against him as she started to wake and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, running his hand up and down her upper arm. "Morning," he whispered.

"Morning," she said sleepily.

"Commander?" Specialist Traynor's voice came over the comm, "I'm sorry to wake you ma'am, but there's an urgent message from Admiral Hackett for you."

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