Grissom Academy

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Joker got them there in record time, bringing up their stealth systems as they approached the station.

He was standing behind Joker's chair as Aubrey walked onto the bridge.

"Status?" she said briskly.

"Scans show a Cerberus heavy cruiser and about a dozen smaller fighters running blockade," he replied.

"Asshats couldn't even be bothered to make the ruse look real by actually stealing and using a Turian dreadnought.... slackers," Joker muttered.

"Even the Thanix cannon won't get through a ship that size," Aubrey said, eyeing the vessel where it hovered above the station.

"And even with Joker's skills, twelve on one is not something we can handle," he added, referring to the blockade.

"Shepard," EDI interrupted, "I am picking up an incoming transmission. Encrypted on Alliance secure channels."

"Let's hear it,"

"Normandy, this is Kahlee Sanders, director of Grissom Academy, requesting immediate assistance. Cerberus is attacking us...they're after my students."

"Ms. Sanders, this is Commander Shepard. We're here to help, but we're blocked off from a direct approach. Any alternatives?"

"Yes, Commander. I can get an auxiliary cargo port open for you. The Normandy herself won't fit..."

"But a shuttle would," Aubrey finished for her. "Get that door open and we'll get you and your students out of there."

"Kaidan, grab Garrus and suit up. EDI, something tells me we might need your hacking skills. You up for it?"

"Of course, Shepard. I am always down."

Her eyebrow shot up at EDI's phrasing and she tried to stifle her laugh, making it a snort. "You've been spending far too much time with Joker," she said.

"What? I'm just trying to teach her some lingo," he said defensively.

"Well, how about you give me a diversion instead so we can get the shuttle on the station?"

"Now that I can do," he said grinning mischievously.

They hustled to the shuttle bay and pulled out of the Normandy, watching as Joker positioned her for a strafing run past the blockade. The fighters took the bait and broke off in pursuit, the cruiser maneuvering more slowly to do the same.

"I hope to hell he knows that she's not gonna maneuver like a Trident fighter," Cortez said, as they watched the ships streak off. "No offense, Commander, but the Normandy wasn't exactly designed for dog fighting."

"No, she wasn't. But she was designed for evasion. Don't worry, Steve," she said, giving his shoulder a brief pat of reassurance.

Cortez dropped them in the cargo port and Aubrey told him to sit tight while they collected the students for evac.

"Remember to check your targets," she ordered as they readied their weapons and moved through the doors into the station proper. Emergency alarms were blaring, but they could still hear Kahlee's voice over the comms even though it was only a whisper.

"Commander, I'm locked in a server room around the corner from the cargo port, but Cerberus is trying to get in."

"Hang tight, we're almost there," she whispered back.

She moved up to the left side of the door with EDI, while he and Garrus hugged the wall to the right. EDI opened the door, revealing a half dozen Cerberus troops in the hallway. "Shit! Incoming!" he heard one of them say right before Aubrey's warp and EDI's bullets slammed into him.

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