Consequences and memories

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Aubrey had been tense and silent the whole way back to the Normandy. Liara pulled her aside as they stowed their gear back in the shuttle bay and before he could talk to her Joker's voice informed her of an incoming priority transmission. She disappeared into the comm room and was gone for about five minutes before rejoining the team in the war room.

Primarch Victus straightened from where he had been leaning against the table. "Commander. Krogan troops are on route to Palaven as we speak. You kept your end of the bargain, and I shall keep mine." He stepped forward and clasped Aubrey's arm, wrapping his fingers around her elbow as she grasped his back. "The Turian Heirarchy will stand with humanity against the Reapers."

"Thank you, Primarch," she said solemnly, "The only way through this is together."

"Yes," he agreed quietly, adding, "May the Spirits watch over us all."

They watched the Primarch stride from the room and were about to start discussing next steps when EDI's voice interrupted them. "Shepard, I have an incoming message from Admiral Hackett."

"Put it through."

An image of the Admiral appeared above the table. "Commander," he said in greeting. "Hell of a thing you just pulled off."

"If you mean resolving an almost 1500-year-old political cluster fuck, then yes, sir, what my team did was indeed a hell of a thing."

Hackett grinned at her turn of phrase. "So, the genophage is cured. I never thought I'd live to see the day."

"The Krogan are on route to Palaven and the Primarch is dispatching what ships they can spare to help with construction and protection for the Crucible, sir. We'll have the full support of both races against the Reapers when the time comes to deploy the weapon."

"I take it the Dalatrass is pissed, so that means the Salarians are out of the equation," he stated.

"Oh, she's royally pissed, sir, but...Salarian scientists are also being dispatched to help with the Crucible," she smiled at his shocked expression.

"You're kidding?! Do I even want to know how the hell you made that happen?"

She shrugged casually, "A friend of mine," he saw her eyes dart to Liara as she spoke, "found some information that would be damaging to the Dalatrass should the Council find out. It was enough to persuade her that cooperation was a better idea."

Blackmail? he thought, grinning at her power play, Maybe Cerberus did rub off on her. He let out a short sharp laugh at the thought, not able to contain it.

He felt everyone's gaze turn to him.

"I take it you didn't discuss the decision with your XO?" Hackett asked, a harder tone to his voice.

Before Aubrey could answer, he replied, "She didn't have to, sir. I trust her. I know she'll make the right call," his eyes flicked to her and the barely contained joy in her eyes.

"And if one of these times she doesn't, Major?" Hackett pressed.

He got the distinct feeling that the Admiral was testing him and he bristled, replying, "Then I've got her six, Admiral. That's what partners are for." As soon as the words left his mouth, he found himself praying Hackett wouldn't read beyond a more professional meaning of the word partners, but hoping that Aubrey would.

"Very true," the Admiral replied, giving the words a weight that made Kaidan panic that he saw right through him to everything that Aubrey meant to him. It was probably a good thing that the Alliance couldn't be bothered with court martial proceedings with the war on, and that he still had his original letter of resignation ready if they did.

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