Taking back Earth - part 2

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The shuttle touched down at the resistance base and no sooner had their boots hit the ground than a familiar voice called out to them.

"Kaidan! Aubrey!"

"Ash!" they said in unison as Williams threw herself at them into a fierce hug, an arm around each of their necks.

"Damn is it good to see you guys!" she exclaimed, pulling back to look at them. "I wish I could've been on the Normandy with you."

"We missed you, too, Ash," Aubrey said. "What have you been up to?"

"Hit and run guerilla warfare mostly. Trying to make sure we had enough ammo and supplies to keep the fleet going as we built the Crucible."

"When this is over, we're hitting the bar and I want to hear every detail," she replied.

Ash smiled and reached over to squeeze Aubrey's left hand. Her eyes widened as she felt the ring and she instantly raised the hand to her eyes.

"Oh. My. God," she breathed, her mouth dropping open in shock and then breaking into an ear-splitting smile. She then straight up squealed in delight and crushed Aubrey into another hug, jumping up and down as she did.

"Thank you, sweet eight-pound baby Jesus! Finally!"

Aubrey laughed at Ash's excitement and returned her hug.

"When? I need details! And don't forget you promised me an invite," she added, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Last night. And consider this your official invitation," he replied, grinning widely at her.

"You will be my maid-of-honor, right?" Aubrey asked her.

Ash gave a tearful and heartfelt yes to that before Anderson called Aubrey away and Ash excused herself to meet up with her squad for the coming attack.

"Major?" Coates asked from behind him.


"Forgive me for asking, but how the hell did you manage to land a woman like that?"

He chuckled, not bothering to deny anything given that the Major had likely seen the entire exchange just now. "I keep asking myself the same thing every day."

Coates gave him a genuine smile, "Congratulations."


"Well, I wasn't hanging around to eavesdrop. I had wanted to let you know Admiral Anderson assigned you to Biotics Division, the eight-hundred-second battalion. You'll be reporting to Commander Lyssa T'shandi."

Kaidan nodded and followed Coates' directions to meet up with his unit.

On the way there, he saw Vega sitting on some rubble at the side of a building cleaning his rifle. His knee bounced up and down with nervous energy.

"Hey, James," he said as he walked up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, Major. Just...don't know what I thought I'd feel coming back to Earth, ya know?"

"I do. Seeing it like this...wondering how in the hell we'll ever rebuild..." he trailed off.

"Exactly," he agreed, pausing briefly before asking, "Permission to speak freely, sir?"

"Please, James, you're not just an officer, you're a friend. Go ahead."

"How the hell do you not go insane with worry every time Shepard goes into battle? How do you stay focused on the mission and not just her?"

"Oh, believe me I worry. But I know she can handle herself and if she gets in too deep that I'm there and have her back. Plus, watching her kick ass is hot as hell."

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