Taking back Earth - part 3

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They heard the Makos and other armored vehicles grinding slowly through the rubble ahead of them as their team spread out with the rest of the ground troops. It wasn't long before they ran into the first wave of Reaper forces.

"Barriers up!" Valine ordered. "Remi, Delius warp at will. Dax, Avana singularities on the husks. Kaidan take down those marauder shields."

Flares of blue went up from the squad as they all brought up barriers. He overloaded the shields of the incoming marauders as ordered and took them out with his rifle.

"Cover and recharge!" Valine called.

He slid in behind a wrecked car next to Remi. Her eyes were wide and sweat beaded her brow. "There's so fucking many of them," she said and he could tell she was fighting back panic.

"Hey, focus, Remi," he said, "The only one there is, is the one you're aiming at. You take that one down and move to the next. Easy peasy. Okay?"

He popped over the hood of the car and took out two cannibals in rapid succession to illustrate his point.

"Yeah. Easy. Right," she replied, collecting herself and following suit.

"Advance!" they heard the command from Valine off to their right and brought barriers back up as they pushed forward. They heard the gunfire and saw the flashes of biotics from the other squads around them as they did.

A singularity appeared over an advancing group of husks and cannibals. He threw a warp at it where it had swept about half a dozen of them up, watching in satisfaction as the biotic explosion tore them apart.

"Nice, Kaidan!" Delius called.

Their comms crackled to life, "This is Major Clancy! My company is under heavy fire. Reaper forces have the high ground in a building on the southeast side of lima quadrant. Requesting immediate assistance!"

"Cover!" Valine yelled, taking the time to check their position against that of the Major's on her omni-tool map.

"This is Kilo squad of the 802nd. We read you, Major and have eyes on the building about half a klick from our position. We're on route!"

"Copy that, Kilo squad."

They broke through the last of the Reaper forces between them and the building and sprinted forward. He and Avana set to work getting their omni-tools set to feed power to the door of the building so they could open it. Once they were ready, Valine nodded at them to proceed. Delius took point with Dax and Remi on either side while he and Avana followed Valine. They quickly cleared the room and moved up the stairs to the third floor where the sounds of weapon fire could be heard from the Reaper forces pinning down the Major. They were so focused on the ground forces they hadn't heard the squad approach. Several Rachni and half a dozen marauders fired down at the ground troops from the crumbled walls of the building.

Valine signaled them to focus on the Rachni and on her mark warps flew from all of them toward the hostiles. It didn't take the Reaper forces long to turn their attention away from Major Clancy's company and focus on them instead. The squad brought barriers up and got to cover just inside the doorway to the room.

He took down the shields on the marauders, one by one, leaving them open to bullets from his squad mates.

"You're clear, Major," Valine comm'd as the last one went down.

"Thanks for the assist, Kilo squad!"

They watched the Major's company continue to roll forward before making their way back to the ground and continuing onward, as well.

"We're at the rendezvous," Major Coates' voice came over the comms. "All Hammer companies report in."

"Bravo and Delta companies sustained heavy casualties, sir, but we're here. No word from Able or Charlie companies."

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