Assaulting the dreadnought

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They dropped out of FTL into a massive firefight between at least a hundred ships in the space around Rannoch.

"Holy shit," James said at the sight through the viewport.

"Well this is a big 'ol shitstorm! Stealth systems engaged, Commander, but getting blown up in the crossfire will kind of make that moot," Joker said, tensely.

"That's why I'm counting on the best pilot in the fleet to keep us out of the line of fire," she said, clapping him on the shoulder.

He visibly relaxed and grinned, replying, "Yes, ma'am."

"I have accessed their docking protocols," EDI said as they approached the Geth ship.

"Good. Take us in," Aubrey ordered, as the flash of an explosion from the port side lit up the viewport. A look of panic and despair crossed Tali's face as the explosion had come from a Quarian frigate.

"Shepard, there is a problem," EDI said as they made their way to the airlock. "All docking tubes but one are physically secured."

"So, we use that one. What's the problem?"

"It is severely damaged and will not be able to support the weight of the entire team. However, your size and mass should be supported, Commander."

"Okay. I'll get across, access the controls for another tube, and open that one for the rest of the team," she said, securing her helmet and leaving them inside the Normandy while she entered the airlock, activating the magnetics on her boots as the outer door opened.

He watched nervously through the small window in the airlock door as her shape got smaller and smaller the farther away she got. Just before she reached the other side, a large shudder went through the Normandy where she was still attached to the docking tube. They could hear the screech of metal grinding on metal where they were inside, but he knew there'd be no sound out there as the docking tube crumbled apart. Aubrey was thrown forward, or maybe she jumped, and there was a brief moment where he was afraid she was going to drift off into space and not make it to the side of the tube still attached to the dreadnought.

"Commander?!" he called, trying to keep the panic from his voice.

"I'm alright," she said, straightening on the other side as her mag boots found purchase again. "Tali, send me the schematics and point me in the direction of the closest docking tube."

Joker moved the Normandy into position at the next tube and Aubrey was able to override the controls inside to let them cross. He, Tali, James and Liara met up with her inside the dreadnought.

"Where to now, Tali?" he asked.

"We need to get to the operations center – here," she said, pulling up the schematics and highlighting their destination.

"There's a defense network and sensor cluster in the way," he said, looking at them briefly.

"I know, but it's the quickest route."

They moved through the ship and quickly ran into a Geth patrol. "Shit! So much for surprise," Aubrey grumbled.

He, Aubrey and Liara threw warps at the Geth before dropping into cover and James lobbed a high explosive grenade at a cluster of them.

"We have to push forward before they box us in!" Tali called.

He stood at the same time Aubrey did, getting barriers up to cover the team as they moved forward. Liara dropped a singularity over a group of Geth as they did, allowing James and Tali to pick them off.

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