Final plans

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After getting some meds for the migraine from Dr Chakwas, he joined Aubrey and the rest of the crew in the war room for a briefing.

"Alright, we know what the Catalyst is, but courtesy of the Illusive Man the Reapers know that we know. They've seized control of the Citadel and moved it into orbit above Earth," Aubrey said, bringing up a holographic image of the closed arms of the Citadel hovering above the planet, looking like a giant silver bullet poised to strike it. An incoming transmission started flashing, so she switched over to it and an image of Admiral Anderson appeared, making her face light up.

"Shepard? Can you read me?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. You're a damn fine sight for sore eyes, Admiral. How are you holding up?"

"You are, too, Commander. And we're still fighting. I assume you know about the Citadel?"

"We do, sir," she said, filling him in on what they learned from the Prothean VI.

"Now it makes sense. My teams in London have reported the Reapers preparing something big there. Now we know what." There was a tense pause. "What does this mean for the Crucible?" he asked them.

"It means we take it to Earth, sir. With the might of the combined fleets, we get the Citadel and the Crucible together and we end this."

Anderson nodded. "We'll scout things out in London and get as much intel to Admiral Hackett as we can before you arrive. We'll see you soon, Shepard."

"Count on it, sir."

His image disappeared and he saw a mixture of relief and worry in Aubrey's eyes. He reached down instinctively and squeezed her hand.

"Joker, set course for the coordinates Admiral Hackett provided to rendezvous with the fleets. EDI, Garrus, Tali, Kaidan, and Adams I need the Normandy's systems at peak performance in the next thirty-four hours before we get there. James and Cortez I want a full check on all weapons and munitions. Traynor and Liara I want every scrap of intel and data we have on the Reapers on my desk and ready for review in twenty-four hours. Questions?" At everyone's silence, she nodded, "Dismissed."

She retreated to the war room to coordinate battle plans with Hackett while everyone dispersed to prepare for the coming battle.

The next day passed in a blur and Kaidan barely had time to eat, let alone see Aubrey. When they were about ten hours out from the rendezvous, he sat nervously on his bunk, turning the small velvet ring box over and over in his hands. He knew it was now or never. He had to ask her in case there wasn't a tomorrow.

"EDI, where's Aubrey?" he asked.

"In her quarters, Major. Her biometric data indicates that she is...agitated."

"I bet," he said, smiling wryly.

"Your biometric data indicates a similar state," she observed. "Should I be concerned?"

"No, EDI, we're fine. Both of us are just having some jitters."

"If you say so."

He smiled again, dug the bottle of wine he'd smuggled onto the ship out of his foot locker and then swung by the mess to grab some food. Not the most romantic dinner for a proposal, he thought, but as long as she says yes, I'd eat sawdust and still be the happiest man in the galaxy.

He stepped into the elevator and made his way up to her cabin. The door slid open just as he was about to push the chime requesting entry.

"Kaidan!" she said in surprise, glancing up from the data pad in her hand in surprise and then down at the tray of food in his hands. "I really need..." she started.

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