Back to the Citadel

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"Major?" Joker's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He had been standing in the observation lounge staring out at the stars worrying about his mom and about Aubrey.

"Yeah, Joker?"

"I tried to contact Shepard, but Dr. Chakwas reamed me a new one, so figured as the XO and boy-toy you were next in line for communication."

He shook his head with a slight grin, "You figured right. What's up?"

"Councilor Tevos is on the line. Says she needs to speak to the Commander urgently."

"I'll take it in the comm room," he said, as he turned and headed in that direction.

The holographic image of the Asari Councilor appeared before him as he stepped onto the holo pad. "Councilor," he greeted her.

"Major Alenko," she said with some surprise. "Where is Commander Shepard?"

"Recovering from some minor injuries from our last mission, ma'am. I'm in command of the Normandy. What can I do for you?"

She hesitated briefly before saying, "Nothing I can speak about over a transmission, but I believe it is something vital for the war. Can you and Shepard meet me on the Citadel?"

"Of course. We'll change course immediately."

She thanked him and her image disappeared. He alerted Joker to the change in plans and decided to head to the med bay to check on Aubrey.

Dr. Chakwas gave him a stern look from her bedside, but didn't stop him from approaching. "How is she?" he whispered, glancing down at her pale and drawn features.

"She's stable. So far, no ill effects from the prolonged hypothermia, but I need to watch her organ function and clotting ability closely. She's not leaving this med bay for at least forty-eight hours."

"That's about how long it will take us to get to the Citadel, so that's fine by me. Hope you have some straps ready to keep her tied to the bed, though."

She gave him a wicked grin, "I favor chemical restraint for my troublesome patients, Major."

"Good to know, doc," a hoarse voice said from the bed between them.

Aubrey smiled tiredly up at him. "Hey you," he said affectionately, caressing her cheek with his knuckles.

"You have five minutes," Dr. Chakwas said sternly, but with a gentle smile on her face as she walked back to her desk across the room to give them some privacy.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Tired...and still cold," she said, her body shivering to illustrate her point.

He sat on the edge of the bed facing her and held her hand. "What the hell happened down there?"

She swallowed hard. "Leviathan isn't a Reaper. It's the species that created the Reapers."


"Apparently millions of years ago Leviathan's species ruled the galaxy and kept all the others in thrall through their mind control. It described other species creating machines that destroyed them and how that meant less 'tribute' for their own species. So, they created an AI with the sole purpose of preserving life."

"Ah, went Isaac Asimov on them, didn't it?"

"Yeah. Turned against them, created the first Reaper in their image and started the first harvest."

"Why harvest and destroy all life in the galaxy if the point is to preserve life?"

"Leviathan made it sound like the AI was trying to solve some sort of equation...that it was looking for some piece to the puzzle. The harvests are ways to etch-a-sketch things and try a different iteration."

Finding a way: Mass effect 3Where stories live. Discover now