Chapter Two: A Forbidden Tactic

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After defeating that massive beast, my next destination was Stormveil Castle, like what Varré said. It was still night, but I didn't really care. I sat near the site of grace to heal myself. After that, I went beyond the gates with Torrent to see enemies blocking my way, as well as a giant troll in my path.

Y/N: Damn. I have no time for these goons.

I just rode past the enemies, trying not to get hit by them. I succeeded and continued onward.


Up front was a stone path that could lead me towards the castle. This was the only way that I could get to Stormveil Castle, like how Varré said. I rode my steed on the path and the encountered several wolves and some soldiers on the way. There was no time for me to fight them, so I just rode past them. Eventually, there was a shack that contained a grace.

Y/N: Oh, good.

Stormhill Shack

By riding Torrent to the shack, I dismounted him, as I watched my steed disappear. I touched the grace, but there was also a girl wearing a red hood sitting on the floor.

 I touched the grace, but there was also a girl wearing a red hood sitting on the floor

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I walked towards her, as the poor girl looked at me.

Y/N: What is the matter, young lady?

She looks at me, as like she's in a desperate state.

Girl: Everyone's... been grafted.

Y/N: Grafted?

Girl: Everyone who came with me. They crossed the sea for me. They fought, for me. Heh... Only to have their arms taken. Their legs taken. Even their heads... taken. Taken and stuck to the spider.

Y/N: (This must be Godrick.)

Girl: Did you know? If you're grafted by the spider, you become a chrysalid.

Y/N: No, I didn't know that.

Girl: It's quite the lark, when you think about it.

Y/N: Well, I'm heading to Stormveil Castle.

Girl: You're all on your own, aren't you? And heading to Stormveil Castle?

Y/N: Yes. I am heading there without anyone. That is my quest.

Girl: Enticed by the one in the white mask, I suppose. Oh, you've come to be one with the spider?

Y/N: A guy named Varré told me about this "spider," which I assume that's Godrick.

Girl: Yes. Well, that makes us two peas in a pod. But I don't have your courage. It's scary, you know. Having your arms cut off. Or legs. Or your head. I want to be like everyone else, but I'm just too scared. I'm nothing but a craven.

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