A Fool in Comedy, But a King in Awesomeness (Behind the Scenes Chapter)

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A/N: Hey readers, this is not a story chapter, but the production of The Maddening Nightmare is still going and will probably be released before 2023 is over. Here, however, I will explain behind the scenes of Dragon Amongst Men, the production, the intention of the story's creation, and a lot more. So, buckle up, 'cause this will be one hell of a ride. The information in this chapter may reappear again in another Q&A chapter.

The Birth of the Idea of Dragon Amongst Men

A/N: First, I will talk about how I even got to know Elden Ring. Back in the early year of 2022, I wasn't a fan of Soulsborne because I believed that the Dark Souls games were a bit challenging. Shortly afterwards, when I saw some gameplay of Elden Ring and how a lot of people were saying that it is one of the best games of 2022, I decided to play it the month after it was released, which was March. At first, Elden Ring was a bit challenging and I wasn't doing as well in the game. That's when I discovered that there is a broken ability that Elden Ring players can use to almost obliterate any foe during early game. That broken ability was Dragon Communion, incantations that the user can use in their gameplays that can do a lot of powerful moves based on the dragons they've slain in the game. These incantations involve dragon breaths, roars, claws, and even jaws. There's also Dragon Cult, which involves different incantations and may not be as powerful as Dragon Communion, but is still useful. Since I'm a fan of dragons and Dragon Communion is kind of simple to use, that's how I became a main of Dragon Communion, but can sometimes be a main of Dragon Cult. That's actually how I became a fan of Elden Ring. I completed my first gameplay some time in April of 2022.

A/N: However, when it was close to my one-year anniversary, which is also in April of 2022, I wanted to do something special for my followers. I wanted to give them a story that has multiple chapters that's published simultaneously. The original story that was supposed to be created was a fanfic that's a crossover between Highschool DxD and League of Legends called "Defender of Two Realms". Unfortunately, since I barely knew what the lore of League of Legends was, especially for Highschool DxD, I feared that the story would be disastrous in result. Therefore, it was cancelled. But this would eventually lead to a different plan. This new plan was to create different books that had chapters published simultaneously, and one of these stories was Dragon Amongst Men. Fearing that this plan may fail because it creates more work and stress, I decided to focus on one story and create it with the help of the initial plan. The one-year anniversary story that was chosen was Dragon Amongst Men. What really brought up the idea of Dragon Amongst Men in the first place is when before Defender of Two Realms was cancelled, the reader was able to transform into a dragon that came from Soulsborne or Elden Ring, but knowing that it doesn't belong to Highschool DxD and League of Legends, that's why I had to change the reader's transformation into something more suitable. That idea for the Soulsborne dragon transformation hasn't been forgotten, though, and therefore, that's how I came up with a plan to turn it into a separate idea for a different book.

A/N: To sum it all up, basically, I wanted to do a special story for my followers for my one-year anniversary called Defender of Two Realms, but it was then cancelled after not knowing Highschool DxD and League of Legends' lore completely. Then I had a different approach by simultaneously publishing different books with multiple chapters, as one of these books was Dragon Amongst Men, but the plan failed when I realized it will create more work and stress. Then one book was chosen as the one-year anniversary, which was Dragon Amongst Men, and the idea of the reader's dragon transformation came from Defender of Two Worlds' Soulsborne transformation idea. That's the best way I could put it into a simple summary.

The Production of Dragon Amongst Men

A/N: This may be the least important part about this chapter, but I will still explain it anyway. After I beat Elden Ring in April of 2022, I started to think about doing an Elden Ring book during that time, specifically during my spring break during school. After spending some time on planning the plot of Dragon Amongst Men and started doing the prologue at some point in April, I started to lose interest in working on the story, until I began deciding on what story I should do for my one-year anniversary story. When Dragon Amongst Men was chosen to be that story, after the plot was planned out, I continued working on the actual story in late June of 2022. This would become very time-consuming and somewhat challenging. All of the chapters of The Beginning would then be finished by the beginning of September of 2022. Once the first part of the story was completed, I edited the story for at least ten days. One big mistake that I did not realize in The Beginning is that I misspelled "Uchigatana" with "Ugigatana". I was too lazy to correct this mistake, knowing it would add up more time to edit, so I left it be, but I guarantee that it will be fixed in The Maddening Nightmare. Finally, it's release date was on September 16, 2022, at midnight, making it released on September 17. Therefore, it took me approximately six months to develop the first part of Dragon Amongst Men.

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