Chapter Nineteen: The Haligtree

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3rd Person POV

In the Consecrated Snowfield, Argenis' group were roaming around the area while riding their wolves, watching over the land. They had Leonard, Skoll, and Tusk with them.

Woman 1: How long do you think Argenis will be gone for?

Woman 2: She's been gone for a day now.

Woman 3: Did she and the group leave us here to babysit these two animals?

Woman 4: I'm very surprised to see a dragon tame an Ice Mammoth.

Gregoria: Ladies, please. I'm sure Argenis will be back soon. I just know it.

Skoll then just runs away from them after he saw something.

Gregoria: Hey, Skoll! Come back!

The group ran after the wolf, especially Leonard and Tusk. When they saw Skoll, he was licking Argenis, who was back. Y/N and the girls were there, too.

Women: Argenis!

The five rushed towards the group. Leonard walked towards Rennala, who used her boots to get to him. She petted the horse with her hand.

Rennala: How was Leonard?

Gregoria: He was safe with us, especially with Tusk.

The two looked to see Y/N's hand being tangled by the Ice Mammoth's trunk.

Y/N: I'm glad you're safe.

Woman 2: Argenis, where did you go?

Woman 1: We thought you were coming back here.

Woman 3: And maybe disappeared!

Argenis: I decided to spend the night at a city with Y/N and his friends. All of us bought some items, but I bought some arrows for myself. Don't worry, I wasn't gone for that long.

Gregoria: That's great. Who's the woman with the feathery wings?

Mohg: I am Mohg. Greetings to you.

Woman 3: Where did she come from?

Melina: We found her in the teleporter you guys showed us.

Argenis: And all of you are not going to believe what we discovered in that teleporter.

Woman 4: What did you find?

Argenis: Maybe I'll tell you when Y/N and the others are exploring the Haligtree.

Millicent: You're not coming?

Argenis: I have a duty I must follow. I'm sorry, but I will help you on getting there, though.

Y/N: How do we get there, exactly?

Argenis: Skoll, can you lead us back home?

The wolf barked in response. He ran down the snowfield and across the frozen river, where the others followed behind him. When they continued to follow the wolf, everyone saw other wolves and Albinauric archers, who were also women. All of them sat on stone rocks, where the wolves barked and the archers aimed their arrows at the group.

Argenis: Wait! Don't shoot!

She gets in front of the group and looked at the archers.

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