Chapter Eight: The Confrontation

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After receiving Latenna's summoning ashes and picking up another map, we were heading towards the Caria Manor, the place where Rennala's daughter lives. The Carian Queen was sitting on my back, carrying her amber egg and staff, while I was walking on all fours. Melina was riding Torrent next to me, and Millicent and Nepheli were close together. I felt like I became Rennala's steed. All of us were walking on the west side of Raya Lucaria.

Rennala: Thanks for letting me ride on your back, dear. I hope you're not too uncomfortable with this.

Y/N: I'm perfectly fine, ma'am.

Nepheli: I don't get it.

Y/N: Don't get what?

Nepheli: What did Latenna mean by All-hearing? Did she mean All-knowing?

Melina: She did. If Gideon is up to something, what is it?

Millicent: Something's a bit fishy about your foster father, Nepheli.

Nepheli: Gideon would never plan on something evil... right?

Y/N: Whatever schemes that man is up to, we won't know for sure what Gideon's really planning. For now, at least.

Rennala: Very strange that his guard would attack us without giving a reason.

Melina: It has to be the secret medallion he was looking for. Maybe he was the cause for the Albunauric village.

Rennala: Look, there it is.

She pointed at the Caria Manor with her staff, which was not too far away from here. Close by was a troll reading a book, wearing a very strange helmet.

 Close by was a troll reading a book, wearing a very strange helmet

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Y/N: (Is that the blacksmith Blaidd was talking about?)

Melina: Who is that?

Millicent: Should we talk to him?

Y/N: A friend told me to see him. Let's see what he has to say.

All of us approached the giant Blacksmith. Before doing so, there was a site of grace, and I touched it, as usual.

Y/N: Excuse me, sir?

He looked down at us. I don't have a clue of how he was able to see us with that kind of helmet.

Giant: Well, look at all of you. We don't receive many visitors. I presume every one of you are Tarnished. What brings you here?

He continued to read his book.

Rennala: I think he's just a bit distracted. Iji!

The troll looked back at us.

Troll: Oh, pardon me, Rennala. It's hardly my place to ask, is it?

Y/N: You know this person?

Rennala: A friend of mine long ago.

Iji: I am Iji. A blacksmith who once served the Carian royals... An old codger who refuses to retire his rusty hammer. So, here I am, still quietly playing my trade, on this spot. Perhaps any of you would like a display? These bones are old, but still able.

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