Chapter Twenty: Challenging the Undefeated

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Lansseax's POV

After all of us took turns using the lift, with Y/N being the last person to arrive, we were inside of a room that had coffins, some hanging roots, and candles. The dragon saw a site of grace for him to touch, as he did when he saw it.

Finlay: Malenia should be at the base of the roots. Now's a good time to hide Mohg from her.

Polyanna: Why? What did she do?

Lansseax: There's a room she can stay at!

I found a large room that had a large, orange flower. There were orange butterflies roaming in the air. The woman walked inside it.

Mohg: Hm. This room seems nice.

She sits on the stairs, next to the flower.

Mohg: I'll be waiting here.

Mary: Okay, what's the deal here?

Y/N: You see, she kidnapped someone from here named Miquella.

Maureen: She did what?!

Melina: Not so loud, please.

Y/N: If she sees Mohg, she'll try to kill her. When she asks where Miquella is, don't say anything.

Amy: What if she does know?

Y/N: Then we make a signal, like a sneeze. That way, she can either hide or fly away from this place.

Nepheli: The sneeze has to be loud then.

Y/N: *Looks at Mohg* Mohg, if anything goes wrong, wait for a loud sneeze. That's a signal that you should retreat.

Mohg: Got it.

Rennala: I feel like one of us will spill out the truth by accident.

Millicent: I have that feeling, too.

Y/N: Right... Okay, listen up. If she wants to attack us, we'll fight back, but we won't kill her. Millicent wants to see her, so don't bomb this up. Got it?

We all nodded in response.

Finlay: Then let's go see her.

We walked down some stairs that led to the base of the roots. Once entering, we saw a small field of flowers and a large puddle of water. What's strange is that the roots to me looked like people.

Finlay: There.

She points at someone in the distance. We all looked at what she was pointing at, seeing a woman sitting on a chair, who had scarlet hair, and also looked blind, just like how Loretta said earlier. She lacked an arm, as well. The woman sat in silence, touching the roots.

 The woman sat in silence, touching the roots

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