Chapter Seven: A Strange Encounter

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Village of the Albinaurics

Melina's POV

Y/N and the group eventually arrived at a dark village that was underneath a cliff. We fought some crabs and other enemies, and crossing a poisonous swamp, I watched Rennala holding onto Y/N, who was carrying her staff and amber egg while I was riding Torrent.

Melina: Y/N, is Rennala going to hang onto your back the entire time?

Y/N: She asked me if it was all right, and I didn't mind at all.

Melina: Are you just gonna keep doing stuff for her? It's like she's your grandma or something!

Nepheli: *Snickers*

Millicent: Really? Grandma?

Y/N: Melina, it's important to know to respect your superiors. That's why I acted like a loyal knight back at Raya Lucaria. And don't forget that she had faced some few hardships back in her days.

Rennala: It's true, dear. The amber egg and the red wolf are the most valuable gifts that Radagon gave me before he left. Don't think that I have forgotten my sorceries either, because I used to be a powerful sorceress. Those who underestimate me will soon know my powers.

After passing through the Albunaurics, the creatures who bleed silver, we stopped at a site of grace that was inside an abandoned house. Y/N touched it with his large hands.

Y/N: Rennala? Can you please get off of me? Is it alright if I call you that?

Rennala: You may call me by my name, dear. But, yes, I'll get off.

She did what Y/N told her to do.

Y/N: Here's your amber egg and staff.

She took the amber egg with her left hand, while getting the staff with her right.

Y/N: Okay. All of us will split up to explore this village. Melina, you and I would head towards the west of the village.

Melina: Okay.

Y/N: Rennala, you, Millicent, and Nepheli will cross that stone bridge there.

He pointed at the bridge the stone bridge that we crossed under.

Y/N: And maybe get a little workout? After leaving Raya Lucaria?

Rennala: I understand what you are saying. I'll give it my all with my sorceries, even though it's been ages since I last used this staff.

Y/N: Millicent, Nepheli, make sure you two protect her if something goes wrong. And make sure to defend yourselves when these grey men attack any of us.

Millicent: All right.

Nepheli: You can count on us!

The five us went our own ways, as Rennala and her group went towards the grey bridge.

Melina: I see you also like to play leader, Y/N. I've never seen you do that before.

Y/N: I'm testing to see if Rennala can still perform spells upon her enemies, and maybe overcome her grief back then.

Melina: And the girls just keep joining us. It's like your a famous figure.

Y/N: Since I'm a dragon Tarnished, the only Tarnished who overcame the curse, it may explain why I'm attracting so much attention from others. It's not my fault that other girls wanted to join the two of us. Rennala wanted to see her children again and to get some fresh air, Millicent just wanted to join us for fun, and Nepheli wanted to see what I could do.

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