Chapter One: Battling Experiences

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I woke up again to find myself in an underground cave.

Y/N: Where the hell am I in now? First I was at a church, now I'm here?

I also noticed two golden flasks in my hands. One being red, and the other blue. I gained Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears.

 I gained Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears

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Y/N: What are these supposed to be used for? Guess they're for my health and FP, I assume

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Y/N: What are these supposed to be used for? Guess they're for my health and FP, I assume.

I put them away and saw a door in front of me that's next to a golden tree.

Y/N: Good. I can get out of this place.

Before going to the cave, though, there was a large hole on the ground. Next to it was another message, which read, "The Cave of Knowledge lies below".

Y/N: "Cave of Knowledge"?

There was also a spirit sitting near the edge of it.

Y/N: Excuse me, sir?

The spirit did not respond to me, but rather sat in silence.

Y/N: Did you hear me-

Spirit: Brave Tarnished. Take the plunge. Of learning, and remembrance. Recall the arts of war. And your warrior's blood.

Y/N: Very well. I will recall the way of the samurai.

I fell down towards the cave and did what the spirit told me to do. I did take some damage from the fall, but it wasn't too severe. Nearby was a site of grace.

Y/N: Ahh, there it is.

By going towards the light, I touched it, making the site of grace brighter.

Y/N: Wondered what these looked like.

I just sat near the grace for a while, which felt very warm.

Y/N: I have never felt this kind of warmth before. So soothing.

I felt that the light has healed me, due to its soothing warmth.

Y/N: Much better.

After getting up and leaving the site of grace, I encountered a pale man holding a sword.

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