Chapter Four: Acceptance

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3 days later at Stormveil Castle...

3rd Person POV

A hooded figure was walking towards Stormveil Castle. This figure was 13 ft tall, as he walked towards the gates and puts his hands on them, realizing that there's something beyond them, and noticed some white orbs on top of the dead corpses. The figure's hands were huge, having huge claws. Next to him was a hole that lead towards a room. He entered inside to find nothing, until a voice called out for him.

???: You there. Come over here, would you?

The figure looked to his right to find a man, who seemed to be waiting for him. He walked up towards the man.

Man: You're Tarnished, aren't you?

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Man: You're Tarnished, aren't you?

???: ...

Man: I suppose that means yes, but that's not important. I would advise against taking the main gate into the castle. It's tightly guarded by hardened old hands. Try the opening right here. The guards don't know about it. You'll breach the castle undetected.

The figure looked to his left to see another hole that led outside of the castle. He then looked at the man and spoke in a deep voice.

???: Open the main gates.

Man: Didn't you hear what I said? I wouldn't-

The figure brought the man closer to him with his hand, pulling him by the shirt.

???: I will not repeat myself again. Open the gates, RIGHT... NOW.

He pushed him away towards the wall.

Man: F-Fair enough, you certainly don't have to trust me. Well, if you must go through the gates, I'll signal them to open. But of course, I'd advise against it.

The figure went back outside to approach the gates again.

Man: The gates! Open the gates!

The soldiers on the other side opened the main gates as the man commanded them to do. The figure cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck. He saw some of the soldiers near a giant crossbow, ready to fire at him. The figure looked at the white orbs to think that they were bait for him to get close to, so he went towards them to play along, until he moved out of the way once one of the soldiers fired their bolts at him. He glared at the soldiers who tried firing at him.

???: *Growls*

The figure went towards the crossbow that were guarded by some soldiers. He lunged into the air, but his right fist had frosted energy. He crashed towards the crossbow after landing, causing a large field of glacial spikes around him, exploding afterwards. The enemies that were near the exploding spikes died instantly, as the crossbow was immediately destroyed. He also heard more crossbows breaking, as he looked up to see more of them destroyed, along with the enemies near them.

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