Chapter Fourteen: The Royal Capital

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Lansseax's POV

We complimented Y/N after slaying those two golems. I was very impressed for a dragon Tarnished to be that powerful.

Lansseax: Is that all your friend does, girls?

Nepheli: No, you should've seen what he did during the Radahn Festival. We fought one of Rennala's kids, and he totally kicked his ass with his new lightning moves.

Millicent: He was doing a variety of kicks and other moves. This lightning powers that Y/N performed is blue lightning.

Melina: Did he?

Nepheli: Yeah! You missed out a lot when you were knocked out.

Rennala: What everyone was fighting was my own son, but Y/N killed him. I was crying like crazy and kept his beloved steed.

She looked down at the scrawny horse she was riding.

Lansseax: You mean Leonard?

Rennala: Yes. This was Radahn's last possession. I must take good care of him.

Lansseax: I'm sorry for your loss, Rennala.

Rennala: What matters is that Y/N tried saving me from Radahn. And I, we fulfilled my daughter's wish.

Melina: True. Ranni's fate is now free.

Lansseax: At least you made your daughter happy.

They all stopped when Y/N was glaring at somebody. He was growling at this mysterious person.

Millicent: Why did we stop?

Nepheli: What's the holdup?

Y/N pointed at Draconic Tree Sentinel, which was actually someone I knew long ago.

Y/N: This guy is blocking the gateway to the city, and he's refusing to let anyone in

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Y/N: This guy is blocking the gateway to the city, and he's refusing to let anyone in.

Lansseax: Let me speak to him. I know this guy.

I approached the golden knight.

Lansseax: It's been a while, Lancelot.

Lancelot: Who are you? And how do you know my name?

Lansseax: Have you forgotten about me? I was the one who helped you learn some of my powers, no? And also taught your horse to breathe fire?

He took a closer look at me, and eventually recognized me.

Lancelot: Oh, Lansseax! It's been years since we last saw each other! Why have you come here?

Lansseax: My friends and I decided to pay a visit to Leyndell. So, if you kindly step out of the way, it would be a pleasure.

Lancelot: Hmm... I don't know, Lansseax. They look very suspicious to me, even that big fellow who tried getting in.

Nepheli: And when you mean "big", don't you mean fat?

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