Chapter Twelve: The City Below

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3rd Person POV

When Y/N stopped at a site of grace, he touched it and sat near it. He regained his flasks and returning his strength back to him, but surprisingly, the burn mark that was on Y/N's face has healed instantly. The dragon sighs.

Y/N: (Victoria and Mia allowed us to fight that deer, but all we get was hate from the rest. What kind of nonsense is that?)

The girls arrived next to Y/N.

Melina: Y/N, you have an apology to give later-

Y/N: Me?! Apologize?! They're the ones who should be sorry for not telling us sooner!

They all stayed quiet when looking at Y/N's face, causing him to tilt his head in confusion.

Y/N: (Confused) What's with the looks?

Rennala: Your burn mark on your face...

Y/N: What about it?

Melina: I... I don't know how to describe it.

Y/N: Better? Worse?

Nepheli: It's like it...

Millicent: Magically healed. I don't how that's possible.

Y/N: The warm light. It just heals me, from its divine power.

Millicent: Maybe... Maybe it can heal my scar that I inherit.

Rennala: Your lacking arm?

Millicent: Yes.

Melina: I don't think that's possible, Millicent. I believe it only works on less severe wounds.

Y/N: Like a cut or some such?

Melina: Correct.

Y/N: *Sighs* That's unfortunate. Millicent, forgive me for neglecting about your arm. It's just that I want to keep doing adventures and help those in need, but every time we do so, I always forget that you're in desperate need of a prosthetic arm.

Millicent: Meh, it's okay. At least I'm having fun with these journeys. I'm glad that I joined you. All that we need is just some patience.

Y/N: There might be a place that we haven't discovered yet, which may have the limb that you need.

Millicent: Just take your time. There's no need to rush.

Y/N: *Smiles* You girls just get some rest after all that fighting from before. All of you deserve it.

Nepheli: What about you? Will you get a chance to rest?

Y/N: Not yet. There's a job that needs to be finished. Make sure nothing happens to Leonard.

Rennala: I'll make good sure of it.

Y/N: While I...

The dragon looked at the buildings near the site of grace.

Y/N: Explore that city on my right. Maybe it has the item we're looking for.

Millicent: But what if something bad happens to you?

Y/N: Trust me. Nothing will happen.

Rennala: Okay. Hope you'll be back soon and safe.

Melina: Tell us if you find anything.

Y/N: I will. Don't worry.

Nepheli: Oh, I almost forgot.

She hands over Y/N the map he gave them.

Nepheli: Here's the map you gave me.

He takes it from her.

Y/N: Thanks. Maybe I'll be needing this.

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