Chapter Nine: The Carvernous World

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3rd Person

After exploring in Mistwood to find the well Blaidd was talking about, they eventually found it and the four were descending on a magical stone lift. They kept silent for a moment.

Millicent: I wonder what we're about to encounter.

Melina: We're about to enter the land that lies beneath the surface.

Y/N: We'll find Blaidd here.

Nepheli just kept silent.

Millicent: What's up with Nepheli?

Y/N: Nepheli, are you okay?

The woman snaps out and looks at Y/N.

Nepheli: I'm... fine, Y/N.

Melina: Is it Seluvis that kept you silent?

Nepheli: *Sighs* Yes.

Y/N: I told you before. Don't worry about him too much. I'll do the talking.

Nepheli: Thank you.

The group arrived inside the underground land, where they saw the caverns, but also a beautiful night sky and many stars. There were also structures that looked like they were made by humans.

Siofra River

Millicent: There are structures. Maybe there are other humans and Tarnished around here.

Y/N: I highly doubt it, Millicent.

Upon arriving, there was a site of grace that was near the lift. Y/N touched the grace and sniffed the air to detect any enemies.

Y/N: Strange. I only smell the water. Nothing else.

He looked to see two paths. One led down the river, while the other led down towards the structures.

Y/N: Alright, we'll split up. Melina, Nepheli, you two down that river. Millicent, you and I will go down where those structures are.

Millicent: Why me?

Y/N: Have you forgotten about your missing arm?

Millicent: Oh, right.

The two groups split up and head down the different paths. There, both groups encountered human-like creatures made of clay. Some were bare handed, while the rest were holding spears.

 Some were bare handed, while the rest were holding spears

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