Chapter Twenty-Two: The Wolf and the Troll (Halloween 2022 Special)

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A/N: This is a chapter that I will be publishing for Halloween of 2022, so happy Halloween! This will also be the beginning for the next part of the story, The Maddening Nightmare.


After I have accepted the girls apology, all of us were now wandering through Limgrave to get some fresh air from the fights that we had. Rennala was riding on her steed once again, while Malenia, Millicent, and her sisters were riding on Tusk.

Millicent: I'm so glad you came back to us.

Nepheli: You're like family to us.

Mohg: We promise. No more arguing.

Y/N: You promise?

Mohg: Good question...

She looked at Malenia, who looked at her back.

Mohg: Right?

Malenia: Yeah, whatever.

Finlay: I'm sure the problem between both of you will be solved eventually.

The spiritual knight's weapon began to turn into dust. All of us stopped when we saw this.

Melina: Your weapon's gone.

Lansseax: What happened to your weapon, Finlay?

Finlay: I... I don't know.

Y/N: Wait...


Ranni: The spirits will obey thine command but briefly, as they recall battles past. Now it is thine. To do with as thou wishest.

Flashback Ends

Remembering what Ranni said, the spirits that I summon will only be around for a limited amount of time.

Y/N: Finlay, don't panic of what I'm about to say, but you've reached your limit.

Finlay: What do mean that I've reached my limit?

Y/N: A friend of mine told me that since I summoned you back at the Haligtree, you can only be around briefly. I'm surprised that you've been around longer than I expected.

We all then watched the knight's fingers began to fade away as well, expanding towards the arm.

Y/N: But don't fret. I can summon you when I get the chance.

Finlay: Okay... If you have the chance, summon me. Let me aid you in battle, and possibly hang out more.

Y/N: That's a promise.

Finlay: Good. We shall meet again, Y/N.

The knight finally vanished into thin air, letting the spiritual ashes be blown away by the wind.

Malenia: A shame she can only be around for a short time.

Lansseax: Y/N, how did you know she can only be around briefly?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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