Chapter Ten: The Radahn Festival

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3rd Person POV

When arriving at Redmane Castle, the group sat near the site of grace where Y/N fought the humanoid and the knight. The wall that Y/N destroyed was now fixed. Melina has already helped him with the flasks. Rennala left her egg back at Ranni's Rise.

Melina: There. In case of emergency, you should have enough flasks to help you restore your health.

Y/N: Thanks, Melina.

Rennala: So this is where my son is having his festival.

Millicent: And why are there so many men vocalizing?

Y/N: It's probably to mourn about their general.

Jerren: Champions, welcome!

The group looked to see Jerren standing on a wooden platform with a greatsword. He was at a higher level.

Nepheli: Who is that?

Melina: The same one who told us about this Radahn Festival.

Millicent: And the one who wanted to bring more champions. Because you know, the more you bring, the merrier it will become.

Jerren: The stars have aligned! The festival is nigh! General Radahn, mightiest demigod of the Shattering, awaits you! Champions, prepare for battle! Defeat the General, claim glory, and grab that Great Rune! A celebration of war! The Radahn Festival!

Nepheli: I bet this is going to be one hell of a time.

Rennala: *Mumbles* Yeah, it sure will.

Not only that Y/N noticed the men around the castle vocalizing, he noticed several shades waiting for the festival to begin, which some looked familiar.

Y/N: Tragoth?

The dragon looked to his left to see Alexander, who he saw back at Limgrave.

Y/N: Alexander!

The living jar looked at him.

Alexander: Ah, you came, Y/N! How delightful! You brought new friends for the Radahn Festival!

Y/N: I have.

Alexander: Indeed, I thought I might find you here. By the by, do you know for whom this festival is being held?

Y/N: Let me guess. Radahn himself.

Alexander: That's correct, good sir!

Millicent: Is this a friend of yours?

Y/N: This is Alexander, someone that I helped by kicking him out of a hole.

Nepheli: By kicking him?

Y/N: Correct.

Alexander: It's nice to meet you, ladies! To think, Y/N, I could face a great champion of the Shattering, a demigod in the flesh. In truth I quiver at the thought, such is his frightful repute. But! The fear simply assures me the ordeal is worth undertaking!

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