Chapter Sixteen: Long Lost Friend

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3rd Person POV

The group returns to the Grand Lift of Rold, with Melina holding both medallions. They looked back to see the black gargoyle slumbering on the stairs.

Y/N: Melina, do you have the secret medallions?

Melina: I do.

Rennala: Be quick before the gargoyle wakes up.

Millicent: Don't want it to crash into the lift again.

While Melina pulled out the secret medallions, the pale woman near the stairs peaked around the corner and looked at them.

Woman: Can I read your fingers now?

Everyone: No!!!

The group covered the mouths after realizing that what they said was too loud. This woke up the giant from the stairs, who got up and looked at the group. It roared at them.

Nepheli: Oh, no!

Lansseax: Melina, you might wanna hurry!

Melina: I'm trying! Just give me a second!

She raised the two medallions in the air and puts them together, making the green gem in its glow. This time, the statue's eyes on the lift glowed green and turned towards the entrance. It started rising up, but the gargoyle charged towards them with quick speed. Before catching up to the group, Y/N jumped into the air and punched the giant, causing it to fall onto the floor.

Y/N: Not today!

Lansseax blew a raspberry at the gargoyle, pissing it off. The gargoyle got up and charged towards the lift as it was going up, crashing into it and knocking everyone onto the floor again.

Lansseax: I should not have done that.

Y/N sighs in response. After the group waited for a while, they arrived at their destination, but instead of being in a cold environment, everyone was underground.

Nepheli: That's weird. Why are we here instead?

Melina: We're in catacombs. Guess we have to find a way out of here.

Everyone stepped off the lift to explore the catacombs.

Hidden Path to the Haligtree

When entering a room, they all noticed another stake of Marika.

Y/N: Another stake of Marika? Why?

Rennala: I have a bad feeling something would try to pounce on us.

Lansseax: Let's see what's behind those wooden doors.

Millicent: And take down anything that comes before us.

The dragon walked towards the wooden doors ahead and pushed them open. He sniffed the air to find any foes close by.

Y/N: Why do I smell seawater?

Lansseax: Do you smell fish or something?

Y/N: No, I knew this smell back then.

When looking forward, Y/N noticed two paths. One was a short, straight path that would lead somewhere, while the other path was stairs.

Y/N: Girls, you go find out what's up ahead. I'll head up the stairs.

Rennala: I hope nothing happens to Leonard.

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