Chapter Five: Wasteland of Decay

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3rd Person POV

Y/N and Melina were traveling in Caelid, with the dragon running on his fours, while the girl was riding Torrent, following Y/N from behind.

Melina: *Yells* Y/N! Slow down! You're going too fast!

The dragon stops and looks at Melina. She slows down her steed when getting closer to him.

Y/N: What was that?

Melina: Can you please slow down? You're about to leave me behind!

Y/N: Okay. I'll slow down for a bit.

Melina: Besides, what are we even doing in Caelid if we're not here to get dragon incantations?

Y/N: A talking jar told me that a festival is somewhere in Caelid, but I'm exploring this place before going there.

Melina: Weren't you here before going to Stormveil Castle?

Y/N: I was, back at the cathedral, but I decided to take a break because this place is frightening. There are literally giant animals and infected hounds, as well as those shrimp men who can use weapons!

Melina: You're right.

A giant jar was thrown at the two, but they quickly moved away in time before it triggered a magical explosion. Y/N and Melina looked up to see a troll on top of a cliff, roaring at them from above. It was ready to throw another one.

Y/N: Look out!

The two went passed a group of soldiers, which they died from the giant pot. They reached inside of a stone wall.

Melina: Hey, what's that over there?

She points at a shack that was guarded by a giant dog.

Melina: Oh great, another giant dog

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Melina: Oh great, another giant dog.

Somewhere close by, there was a message that was written on the floor. It read "Stop by the shack".

Y/N: Wait here.

The dragon walked towards the giant dog to deal with him. The beast rushed towards Y/N aggressively, only to be thrown far away into the distance. Melina rode Torrent next to Y/N.

Melina: Thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: You're welcome.

They went to the shack to investigate it. The girl immediately got off of Torrent before going inside.

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