The Birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard

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The Birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, Future Duchess of Norfolk Territory,

Future Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and Future Viscountess of Fairfax Territory

Lady Karissa wakes up on Beltane Day, May 1, 2275, with her first labor pains and she gets out of bed and wraps her robe around her.

When Lord Andrew Charles doesn't feel Lady Karissa next to him. He sits up and asks her "What is the matter, Karissa?"

"I am in labor, Andrew Charles. I do believe before the afternoon our daughter, Lady Elizabeth will be here." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I will summon Lord David William Beck. He is the only one I trust." Lord Andrew Charles confesses.

"I shall not need Lord David immediately. Let him sleep." Lady Karissa states.

Lord Andrew Charles rings the bell " Bring Lady Karissa and me some hot tea and toast and butter." Lord Andrew Charles asks the butler.

"I better call dad. This is the day he has been waiting for 33 years." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Summon Lord Richard William Carey. Lady Elizabeth is his third cousin and Lord David William Beck's second cousin and Lord Richard Edward Howard II's first cousin once removed, and Lord Frederick William Howard III's first cousin thrice removed, and Lord Thomas William Howard's third cousin." Lady Karissa tells him "Oh and make sure your two brothers are here to greet their first niece." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

Lord Andrew Charles picks up his communicator and he calls his father "Dad. Your heiress on her way." Lord Andrew Charles tells his dad.

"Praise Odin the Almighty Father." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son, " I have been waiting for my heiress for 33 years."

Lady Sarah walks in and she sees how excited Lord Charles Andrew JR is and she tells him " Now settle down Lord Charles Andrew JR. I know that you are excited about the birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane arriving."

"I have been waiting half of my life for this grandchild." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"We are headed for Fairfax Territory." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Sarah.

"I have been promised to be the first one to hold my granddaughter and The Princess Royal of The Howard family." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Sarah.

"My grandfather had this tiny cornet made for his first great-great-granddaughter with the Howard surname." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells Lady Sarah.

"It now belongs to Lady Elizabeth." Lord Charles Andrew states proudly.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lady Sarah walk out of Norfolk Estate and they head for Fairfax Territory.

Lord Richard William Carey receives the news and he tells Lady Karissa " I have to go and pick up her other third cousin, Lord Thomas William Howard and her first cousin thrice removed, Lord Frederick William Howard III."

Lord Richard Edward Howard II hears the news from Wessex Territory and he tells Lord Andrew Charles "Lady Suzanne and I are our way to meet our first cousin once removed."

Lord David William Beck is the most excited as Lady Elizabeth and he are second cousins and he has for so long been without a second cousin.

"I am on my way with Lady Katherine. I am finally going to have a second cousin and I won't feel so alone." Lord David tells Lady Karissa.

The Howard's from far and wide travel to Fairfax Territory to welcome the newest Howard of the fifth generation on Star Base 12.

The people gather to watch every carriage with the Noble House of Howard symbol on their carriage travel to Fairfax Territory and they gather together to welcome in the first Duchess of three territories.

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