Listen to Your Heart based on the Song by Roxette

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Listen to Your Heart

Based Upon the Song Sang

By Roxette

Captain James T. Kirk is a man lead by his heart, but in the past, he listened to his brain, and let him astray and he chose his career and the USS Enterprise over Janice and his late son, David who grew not wanting to be associated his father, Captain James T Kirk as the only person he had ever known was his mother, Janice who wanted him.

Without James T. Kirk, Janice raised her son to become a fine young man, but in the end of at the age of 21-year-old, David was brutally murdered by the Klingons who were ruthless and showed no mercy.

It left Capt. James T. Kirk bitter, and he harbored hatred towards the Klingons he swore on his late son's death he would seek revenge on the Klingon on that murdered his son.

Captain James T. Kirk suffered prior to the loss of his son David, a psychological disorder called "The Paradise Syndrome." and psychologists explain it this way in psychological terminology recognized by psychologists as a mental condition, is a term used by some to refer to a condition in which a person suffers a feeling of dissatisfaction despite having achieved all their dreams. It is often applied to individuals of such great wealth and success that they feel they no longer have anything left in life to accomplish. It is common with people who assign great value to their career and, although they have achieved much, do not feel satisfied."

Captain James T Kirk started to feel this way when he met his late wife, Miramanee who was a descendant of the Native American tribes of Mohican, Navajo and Delaware and they think he is a god just because he resuscitated a elderly man from her tribe and they marry her to Captain James T Kirk.

Miramanee tells James Kirk that she is expecting their first child together and he is happy for the first time in his life.

The inhabitants of the tribe start to stone Captain Kirk when he can't save a member of her tribe and she steps in and she is hit with stones and she suffers from fatal internal injuries, James Kirk's son and wife dies in his arms.

James T Kirk never forgets the loss of Miramanee and his child, but he returns to the Enterprise haunted by with the memories of Miramanee and their child.

James T Kirk remembers Ruth who was his first lady love but she dies and she haunts him too.

Captain James T Kirk had let other lady-loves that he let go and her name was Lt. Areel Shaw as well as Lt. Helen Noel.

All four times Captain James T Kirk didn't listen to his heart and he lost out on true love.

After he takes shore-leave on Star Base 12 and he meets the wife and Duchess of The Duke of Norfolk Territory, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann he can't get her out of his mind.

Despite the fact that both Bones McCoy and Mr. Spock had recommended that Captain James T Kirk put her out of his mind. He simply can't.

Bones McCoy tries to explain to Spock that when it comes to matters of the heart it isn't easy

Bones McCoy tries to reason with his good friend, Jim Kirk, that the woman he loves and wants is already married to the man who is the most powerful Duke on Star Base 12.

"Jim, remember the prime elective of Star-Fleet Command. We are not to get involved with the people of a United Federation colony." Bones reminds him.

"I can't get her out of my heart and mind." Jim Kirk tells Bones McCoy.

"Lady Howard is off-limits to you, Jim or you willing to risk your career as a Star-Fleet Captain." Bones asks him.

"Damn Bones. I threw 4 chances away for my happiness." Jim tells him

" I let Ruth, Helen, and Janice get away and I lost Miranamee." Jim tells Bones.

"When I left Janice to get away, I also lost my son, David." Jim Kirk explains, "How did it feel when you lost your daughter to your ex-wife?"

"I admit Jim, I was a fool when I chose my career with Star-Fleet Command. If I could turn the clock back, I would but the simple fact is that I can't." Bones explains.

"There isn't a day that doesn't go by when I don't think of Joanna, but her mother turned her against me. She wouldn't let me explain." Bones tells Jim Kirk.

"I am a fool as well, and I only wish I could turn back the clock, but my damn father was a Baptist minister in Georgia and he wanted me to enter the ministry and it wasn't for me, and I had questions that my father couldn't or wouldn't answer about God, and religion." Bones tells Jim Kirk.

"Please Jim for the love of God, don't pursue Lady Howard or Lord Howard will be the man who will ruin you." Bones tells his best friend.

"I am not getting any younger." Jim Kirk tells Bones McCoy.

"None of us are getting any younger, Jim.' Bones explains.

"You have no future with Lady Howard and not only Lord Howard loves her, but also Lord Carey also loves her and if any man wins her, it will be Lord Carey." Bones explains.

"Lady Howard is not an aristocrat. She is just like you and me, Bones." Jim explains.

Bones looks at Jim and he is speechless, and he has done everything to save his friend from an unnecessary heart break

Bones looks at Jim and he is speechless, and he has done everything to save his friend from an unnecessary heart break

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