Some Information Before I Start

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This has to be said all PMTOK characters and any parts of the story belong to Nintendo

This story takes place around three years after the story of PMTOK

There will be original characters they're only in this story so you do not need to know any back ground info

This story also changes perspective every chapter it will say who's perspective it is right for the chapel starts

A few quick things about my Olivia and Olly
They are dead (no surprise but just thought I mention this)
Olly revive the Legion of stationery shortly after the agents of PMTOK
Olly and Olivia can still float but do not for most of the story
Finally Olivia and Olly have figure out how to use the Vellumental powers with out using the form but one of their eyes changed colors while they're using the power (green for earth dark blue for water red for fire and light blue for ice)

In more thing this is just an idea I had and I decided to make it a story so please no hate if it dose make any sense just please ask me what you don't understand I'll try to answer.

And with that please enjoy the story

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