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(Olly's POV)

I can't believe he didn't tell her. He knows how much she hates secrets; they make her feel left out or like she didn't belong. He said he would. Right after Olivia rushed inside, I felt bad for her, she didn't want us to be separated. I didn't either but I know if we weren't she would have a harder time making friends, I don't want that for her. I wanted to check on her but I decided to give her some time. When I walked in the house, Scissors was standing in the room not too far away. By the look on her face she probably saw Olivia rushed inside.

"Olly, is Olivia ok?" she asked. Yep, definitely saw her.

"She'll be fine, she's just having a hard time right now. I'll go check on her," the Craftsman replied and then left the room.

"I was talking to Olly," Scissors called after him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I decided to sit down since the Craftsman was checking on Olivia.

"So, how was the tour?" Scissors said, taking a seat next to me. I felt mildly uncomfortable seeing that she's abnormally tall at 9' 2".

"It was fine."

"Then why is Olivia so upset?"

"She just doesn't want us to be separated, I think." I replied, looking at the floor.

"Don't worry she'll get over it eventually."

Right then Olivia came into the room with the Craftsmen.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," she said. "Scissors, do you know where everyone else is?" Olivia asked. I looked around and I didn't realize until now that Scissors was the only member of the Legion of Stationery or the LoS in the room. The Legion being her, Tape, Rubber Band, Hole Punch, Colored Pencils, and Stapler.

"The rest of the Legion is in the other room except Stapler. I think he's sleeping somewhere. All I know is that there was a loud sound an hour ago so I decided to stay out plus Rubber has a new production she wants our help with. She forced everyone else to do it," Scissors shrugged. I couldn't help but smirk. I glanced over at Olivia and she looked at the ground and was trying hard not to laugh, who would blame her? Rubber Band's productions were really good but they're so dramatic and it's normally really long with lots of speaking parts and sometimes she likes to include romance. Luckily, Olivia is still a kid so she doesn't have to do any of the romance parts. The rest of the Legion is not so lucky. Olivia still likes to help out with the production she finds them fun. I've never been in any of her romantic sense but she probably would ask me to be in one eventually... maybe. Hopefully not though.   

"Come one Olly, let's go see what they're doing," Olivia said, taking my hand. It was obvious that she would want to help, she always does.

"Hi guys," Olivia yelled when we got in the theater room, it used to be a large empty room but Rubber with help made it into a theater where we aka Rubber could put on plays or we could watch a movie. By the look on Olivia's face and by her excited voice when we walked in you couldn't even tell she was upset a few minutes ago.

"Hey, youse two back already?" asked Tape looking up from the paper he was holding, probably a strip written by Rubber.


"Well did you two have fun?" Colored Pencils asked, he was sketching a drawing on his sketch pad. Even though his name was Jean-Pierre Colored Pencils the 12th everyone calls him Jean-Pierre or Colored Pencils or to make it short Jean.

"Yes we did" replied Olivia, I was trying to hide my shock, but that's Olivia for you, her perspective can become positive so easily.

"Ok youse two I'm sorry ta do dis but...." Tape said with a quiet tone. What was he talking about? What's he going to do?

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