Chapter 35

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(Olly's POV)

After a few weeks people stopped believing in the creature, but the researcher that took the first photo. Said that he would still look for it. Well Olivia is never going to use the vellumental form here. Unless it's necessary, like the Legion fighting. It's near impossible to break them apart without jump scaring them.

A while ago Hole Punch discovered that Scissors has a deadly fear of rocks. I still remember that day I was just in my room with Stapler and Olvia. She was keeping her distance and she was still terrified of him. definitely not my fault, but Pierce walked.

"Hey Olly?" Pierce asked nervously.

"What do you need, Pierce?" I asked.

"What should you do with a passed-out stationery item?"

"With what?"

"A passed-out stationery item," I was still trying to understand what he was trying to tell me.

Then I heard Tape yell in the other room, "WHAT DA HECK DID YA DO TO SCISSORS?!" I finally figured out what he meant.

"Ok what did you do?"

"Well Punch told me he was going to show Scissors his rock collection. Then a while after I heard a big fall on the ground, I was wondering how big his rocks were. And when I walked into Scissors' room, I found Hole Punch leaning over her and staring and she was laying on the ground, unconscious." Me and Olivia followed Jean to Scissors' room. Sure enough they were both there Hole Punch was pouring water on Scissors still laying on the ground. And Tape was yelling at Hole Punch telling him that he was an idiot. Through Hole Punch thought that pouring hot water on her would work. They should have poured freezing water on her to wake her up. She has frostbite on her arms and leg and because of this is super sensitive to the cold. Warm water would never work on her. After Scissors finally gained her conscious back he asked her what happened?

"I don't know."

"Hey Scis because you feel better, do you want to see my rock collection again?"

"No," she backed up slowly.

"What's wrong, Scis?" He pulled out some rocks that he had in his jacket some pieces of confetti fell. For some reason he likes to keep that in there.

"Nothing now get that away from me." She ran and hid behind Tape, which didn't work out too well. Mostly because he's a foot shorter than she is.

"Are you scared of the rock?" Jean asked, surprised.

"No!.... Well maybe."

"That's ok, Scissors , everyone has their own fears," Olivia said.

"Haha Scissors is scared of rocks," Hole Punch laughed.

"Don't make fun of her," Tape said.

"Thank you, at least someone cares about me."

"No problem, besides if I did make fun of you. You would probably murder me."

She laughed, "Good point."

The Legion made good memories, Olivia loves to tell stories to anyone that would listen about what they did. Most people in Toad Town are really friendly and sometimes even ask her what they did today. Oliva needs people like that here. But she can never tell any of the stories to her friends at school. They wouldn't understand. So instead she would tell me about what they did, most of these I've already heard but I don't care. I mostly liked to hear what she was doing with Mario back when the streamers were here.

After those few weeks we went back to school. Everything seemed to stay the same. At this point no one was worried about the creature. Everyone thought it was fake like they should even if it was real. They just didn't need to know that. The only downside of missing school is that my and Olivia have to catch up on everything they did in the past few weeks. It didn't take very long for me, at least I just used my time at home to catch up. Olivia did too but she just needed a little more help. So instead of us talking or folding origami like we normally do after school, I help Olivia catch up on her work. I didn't mind as long as we got to spend time together. As we learned the hard way, time goes by fast.

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