Chapter 21

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(Amber's POV)

I watched terrified as she drew the long blades. I wanted to help my friend, but I couldn't move. I looked at the other behind me.

"We have to do something," I said.

"Amber what can we do, she'll kill us too," Jackosn said.

"Maybe after it happens, we can call the police," Mark said.

"It'll be too late by then," I said. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop the tears. My friend was going to die. "I can't watch." I turned around. I wanted to go home but to do so I would have to pass the house. I couldn't let the killer see me. I took a little look to see if she was gone. All I saw was her raising her sword. She had them in the air. It looked as if she was talking to them. Telling them to say their last words. I turned back around and started down the sidewalk. I could hear the boy's footsteps behind me.

"Amber, will you be ok?" Mark asked.

"She's my friend," I said. "It's not fair she doesn't deserve that." I stopped walking and just stood there. I wanted to help my friend. I quickly turned around and started back toward Olivia's house. I still saw that girl. She still had her swords raised. I sighed I still could help. I was just about to go do something when she strikes down her swords. I was too late. I wanted to cry, but I instantly stopped. There was a bright purple light that faded as quickly as it appeared. I could hear the boys behind me. I dragged them to a group of trees.

"Amber what happened?" My brother asked.

"I don't know," I responded. I saw the killer girl on the ground. I looked to where she was staring Olivia and her brother were still alive. I felt so relieved. The girl just stood up and walked over to them, but she stopped. She was still around 2 feet away. She reached out and slowly brought her hand closer. Then she instantly stopped. What is she doing? She picked up a stick and threw it, bounced off the air back towards her. What happened?

"Forcefield," she said and smiled. What in the world is she talking about "Ok which one of you did this?"

"It wasn't me," Olivia said.

"Scissors," Tape said. " I thought youse said ya left your swords at home."

"I lied," she told him.

"What a shock," Hole Punch said.

"Ughhh why are you always so rude to me?" She asked.

"Oh sure I am," he responded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"Maybe we should leave," I whispered.

"Maybe," Gavin said. I looked around to see where Olivia was, but her and her brother were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they went inside. I stood up and started to walk home, we took the long way home, so we didn't have to pass them. We finally reached my house after what seemed like forever. I told Mom we were home and we rushed to my room. We sat in silence for a little bit. Finally Mark broke it.

"There's something they don't want us to know," he said.

"Maybe we should ask them about it," I suggested.

"Amber, if they're not telling us now they won't tell us later," Gavin said. That's understandable.

"Should we ignore them?" I asked.

"No, then they'll wonder what happened and one thing could lead to another," Jackson said.


"Meaning that they could figure out that we know they're hiding something."

"So what should we do?" Mark asked.

"Maybe we could act as if everything is normal and try to find out more," I suggested.

"I don't know, maybe that girl was messing around. Maybe it's not what we think," Gavin said.

"I agree," I told them. "Until we know otherwise I think we should just assume that girl was messing around."

"Now that we're talking about it I agree with Amber that it makes sense. It seems too fake to be real. Something like that shouldn't happen," Jackson said. "And that girl was talking about force fields that seem like magic to me and magic isn't real."

"I agree we should just pretend like this didn't happen," Mark said.

"Works for me" I said.

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