Chapter 38

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(Mark's POV)

Why does the week before break have to be the hardest? In almost all of my classes I have tests or projects to do. I had to study for the test, same with Amber. Most of the tests were on Friday so I still had one more night to study. It was Thursday night and I reviewed all of the work for my classes. I didn't want to stay up late, so I tried to do this as quickly as possible.

The next day at school, I was right about test after test or finishing up a project mostly in Art and English. It was my Lunch hour, and I finally had a break from all the classes.

"So how do you think you did on the Math test?" I asked Olly.

"I don't know, it wasn't that hard."

"Ugh I studied, and it was still hard."

"I studied a few days ago. I had to help my sister with her subjects yesterday."

"My sister refused my help. She would've been fine with or without it." I said.

"Olivia is almost never stubborn like that," he said.

"Yeah Amber told me about her, she doesn't seem like that. So anyway she said you were going somewhere over break."

"Yeah, just going back to where we used to live, we have some family living there."

"Lucky my family never travels anywhere. Or at least somewhere far." I just realized something. "Hey where did you used to live again? You never told me."

Olly was hesitant, "it's not important."

"Umm ok." Weird excuse but I didn't want to push it.

We ate the rest of lunch in silence.

I was trying to hurry to my next class and ran into Alex, not literally. I tried to avoid him but he was trying to blame me for everything. I was trying to move to my next class. Alex was still talking to me and wasn't looking where he was going. He ran right into a girl causing her to drop her stuff.

"Hey, watch where your-" he started to yell at her then muttered. "Sorry." he started to pick up her stuff. Luckily that was just the right time for me to get out of there and head to my next class.

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