Chapter 24

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(Olly's POV)

The Craftsmen finally told me what he did to make us look more normal. Apparently purple is not a normal eye color. I found that weird, I know quite a few people with that eye color. Like Tape and the DJ toad. And Olivia's eye color was gold but apparently that wasn't normal either. I guess that might be true. She's the only person I know with that eye color, but I do know several people with yellow eyes. Like Punch and some people in town. So, Mario told the Craftsmen about these things that make your eyes look a different color. And I never noticed it. He says there's no point in putting it in on the weekends because we never went anywhere, but that got me thinking about that one time when Scissors was here, and we ran into Olivia's friends. That was on a weekend. I don't think they asked Olivia about it yet. The Craftsmen told me to tell Olivia about it. He thinks that it's good that we know in case it ever falls out. I went to see what Olivia was doing. She's probably in our room. The door's shut. I decided to knock in case she wants to be alone, though if she does, I'm not sure why.

"What do you need?" she called after I knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

It was quiet for a little bit then the door opened. "Of course," she said.

"So, what were you doing?" I asked.

"I was drawing." Makes sense. She went back to her drawing. After I told her about what the Craftsmen told me, and then I asked her about earlier

"Olivia, have your friends ever asked you something? Like about the Legion?"

"No, why?"

"Did they ask you something else around the time they visited?"

"Well one of them asked to borrow a pencil, but why do you need to know this?"

"Well sense they meet Scissors I was just wondering if they had questions. And because they meet her on a weekend I was wondering if they asked you about your eye color looking different."

"Nope they didn't."

"Oh ok." I grabbed some paper off the desk and started folding. I always liked doing this. It's kind of relaxing. Plus, after folding 999 cranes, it kind of became a habit Olivia was busy drawing.

"What are you drawing?" I asked her.

"The Sea Tower," she said.

"You know Scissors hates that place." I said.

"I know it's just the first thing that came to my mind."

"Why didn't you draw something else?"

"I don't know, I just saw no point in trying to figure out something else when I might not finish this drawing."

"Makes sense."

"What are you folding?" she asked, looking at the paper I was holding.

"Probably a crane," I told her. I was currently just folding and unfolding the paper.

"Olly?" she asked.


"Do you remember Shogun Theater?"

"Of course," Rubber has put on way too many predictions there. "What about it?"

"Do you know why there's a hole in the roof? Bobby says it wasn't always there."

"It's because of the streamer," I told her.

"Oh I guess that makes sense." She went back to her drawing.

"Are you still drawing the Sea Tower?" I asked.

"Nope I'm drawing clouds."

"Really?" I say I peered over her shoulder, I had to try hard not to laugh when I asked if she was working on the Tower. I meant the drawing of the Tower. She was drawing the clouds around the Sea Tower.

"Olly, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," I told her. I much as I wanted to tell her, but she's still my little sister.

"Ok," she said, smiling at me and going back to her drawing. I started to actually fold the paper I was holding.



"Do you ever feel like what happened in the past might happen again?"

"I don't know..... Do you ever feel like that?"

"Sometimes. I just wonder if all those things will happen again."

"But it won't, I promise, I hated how I treated you back then, you didn't deserve that ," I said.

"I...," she started, then she stopped and looked at the ground. She looked like she was going to cry.

"Olivia, come here." I said, hugging her. She started to sob. "Shhh... it's ok, I'm here. It won't happen again"

"Olly, it's just sometimes I feel like I was a terrible sister to you. I should have been on your side."

"No I should have been on yours. Just remember that it' will never happen again and that I love you."

"I love you too."

I hated that she felt like this. I'm the one who should be sorry, but instead Olivia feels like she's the one who caused all that mess. She should realize that It wasn't her. It was me.

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