Chapter 29

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(Mark's POV)

Alex was starting to get on my nerves. He keeps bugging me by making fun of the other people. I just wanted him to stop. He also keeps telling me about how Olly's family is weird.

"When they were leaving, I saw two of them get into a fist fight." Alex told the rest of the guys.

"Who won?" someone asked.

"Well, it was between a girl and a boy, and I thought the boy was going to win even though he's shorter but none of them won instead another girl and boy had to separate them. One of them kept telling one of them, the one named Scis, apparently to knock the others' lights out. I think Scis is the girl."

"Scis, that's a weird name," one of the guys said.

"I know, but their whole fight was ridiculous. Next time it happens you guys should be there."

"Maybe we could show the girl that she can't fight," someone else said.

"I know, it's funny that she thinks she can win, well she definitely can't win against my brother." Alex said. His older brother is head of the high school wrestling team and is one of the best members of the high school's fencing team.

"Who knows she might be good," I said. If they were talking about the same girl with swords, then she must know something about fighting. I mean why else would she carry swords? Though with my comment the rest of the boys started laughing.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

"Mark, you just said that the girl might be able to fight," Alex said. "She's a girl she can't fight.

"Hey, let's go ask the new kid if she can fight it's his family member." one said.

"Good idea," Alex said, "Hey Olly," he yelled in his direction. "Can you come over here?" Olly closed the book he was reading and walked over to us.

"Do you need something?" he asked.

"Yeah so we saw some people fighting in front of your house, you probably know them. Anyway one of them was a girl and we were wondering if we could fight well," Alex said.

"What did she look like?"

"She had black hair," Alex said.

"You know there are a ton of girls that have black hair," I said.

"Ok well she also had a streak of green in her hair," he said.

Olly apparently knew who he was talking about he sighed. "Are you talking about Scissors?"

"No, her name's Scis, I'm not talking about school supplies."

"Maybe he doesn't know her," I said, doubting it.

"No I know her, Scis is just her nickname."

"So is she any good at fighting? I mean she seems like she isn't," Alex said.

"She's really good at it, you never want to get on her bad side."

"Why, what will she do?" Alex said, as if he was actually going to fight her. Olly was thinking of what to say to that.

"I guess it depends on what mood she's in."

"Oh Alex, watch out, this girl seems like trouble," one of the guys teased.

"I bet she couldn't fight to save her life," he said. Olly just shrugged and walked away.

"So now you have to make fun of this random girl?" I asked.

"Mark chill, I was just joking," he said. "Plus did you hear his answer? 'Depends on what mood she's in," he mocked. Luckily the bell rang and I could get out of there.

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