Chapter 11

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(Olly's POV)

"Olly," I hear my sister say, she's pushing me.

"What Olivia?" I feel really tired.

"I'm bored," she whined. It was so dark in the room. How early is it? I turned to look at the clock, 5:32. She woke me up this early, why?

"Olivia, go back to bed, it's too early."

"I can't," she tells me.

"Try," I say. I really need to get back to sleep.

"I did."

"Try harder." I turned away from her hoping she would go back to her bed. I hear her footsteps, finally. I close my eyes. Just then the lights click on.

"Olivia," I turned back to her. She's sitting on the floor next to my bed.

"What?" She asked, like she didn't know.

"Turn off the lights," I told her it was way too bright for me to fall back asleep.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because unlike some people I actually want to sleep."

"But the Legion is coming today. I can't wait to see them." Oh, I forgot, no wonder she's excited we haven't seen them for over a month, I know a month doesn't seem like that long but when you're used to seeing someone every day and then you just don't see them anymore one month starts to feel like forever, but it's kind of nice to have peace and quiet which we never have with them around. I could tell Olivia really couldn't fall back asleep. I sighed; I was never going to get any sleep. I slide out of bed and sit on the floor next to her.

"What do you need?"

"Can we fold Origami?" she asked. I grabbed some sheets of paper off the desk nearby. I handed her a few. I started to fold a paper crane; these were my favorite things to make. Olivia still needs some help making cranes but she's getting better. I looked at her paper, she was trying to make a crane. It was pretty good, but I noticed some spots she needed to fix, I pointed those out to her and showed her how to fix it. Once I was done with my crane, I put it on the desk. I looked at the clock, 6:02. Ugh it still wasn't morning yet. I waited a few more minutes for Olivia to be done with her crane.

"Done," she said, showing me her creation. She still needed some help with the wings of the bird but other than that it was really well done.

"Come on," she grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. She started to fill the sink with water. She wanted to see if the cranes would flot, they would and she knew that but she liked to see the cranes on the water she thought they looked like swans. Once the sink was full she placed the crane in the water, we watched it float for a little bit. Every now and then it would wobble and continue floating. We just watched it bobble across the water. Eventually we took it out, otherwise the bottom would give out and the crane would sink. We just talked until the Craftsmen came into our room. He looked surprised at first to see us up so early, but then he just shook his head and chuckled. We were all ready to go for the day, except for the things the Craftsmen keeps putting in our eyes, he does it every day after we get ready except for weekends unless we go somewhere. I once asked him what he keeps putting in our eyes, but he just said it made us look more normal. Once at school the usual happened. I had my normal subjects, math, English, lunch science, specials then social studies. We just did what we were working on the day before, it seemed like we did one thing every week then moved on the next week. The first few classes flew by, and it was already recess.

"Hey Olly, did you hear me?" I heard Mark say.

"What?" I asked.

"You just seem a little off today," he said. "You good?"

"Nooo, my sister woke me up at 5:30 today."

"Why would she do that?"

"Oh, we have some family visiting today. I guess she's a little excited."

"A little," he laughed.

"Ok, maybe a little more excited than that." The recess bell rang, wow that was quick, I guess maybe I zoned out a little bit. I wonder if Olivia's as tired as I am. Knowing her probably not.

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