Chapter 7

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(Amber's POV)

I've always had a good life. I have good friends. We've been friends forever. At home my parents always help me when I need it. Even my older brother is kind to me, I've heard that some people's older siblings aren't the nicest to them. Like they get into fights a lot. My brother and I almost never fight. I've had good grades. I always feel lucky to have good family and friends. I also feel bad for the kids who aren't as fortunate to have a good family. I always want to help them, but I never know what to do so I just comfort them. I was really excited to come back from break. I couldn't wait to see my friend. I know I already saw them over break, but I still couldn't wait. After arriving at school, I met up with my two best friends Gavin and Jackson. Some people find it weird for a girl to be friends with boys but I don't. We just like to do the same things like playing sports though I prefer to watch it. We also like to hangout together. When we got to our classroom we sat down and started talking about things we did over break besides the New Year's eve party that we all did together. After a few minutes the principal Mrs. Adams walked in with a girl I didn't know. She was looking at the ground.

"Alright," Mr. Hewan told the class. "I forgot to mention that we have a new student joining us today." he turned to the new girl. "Can you tell us your name?"

"It's Olivia," she said. She was still looking down.

"Ok Olivia you can sit next to Amber. Amber, please raise your hand." I raised my hand. How lucky the new girl got to sit with us. She walked over and sat in the chair next to me. Mr. Hewan told us to share about what we did over break. I introduced her to Gavin and Jackson, then Gavin asked her what she did. She told us to go travel to a place she liked in her hometown called Autumn Mountain. When she described it as always looking like fall I could imagine the green grass and the many trees with red orange and yellow leaves falling to the grass. It sounded like a wonderful place. I wonder why she left her hometown then, it sounds wonderful. During lunch I went in the lunch line with Gavin and Jackson when I noticed that Olivia was sitting by herself. I felt bad she knew almost no one, plus she didn't seem that outgoing so she might not ask someone if she could sit with them. After we got our food I took the lead and sat down next to Olivia.

"Hi mind if we sit with you?" I asked

"Umm.." She was hesitant. "Sure, I don't mind," she eventually said. I sat down Gavin and Jackson followed. I wish I knew what to say right now. We were just eating in silence.

"So what did you do in your old town? Did you have any friends there?" Jackson asked. Thank goodness too, someone needs to break the ice.

"Umm well I was homeschooled back in my old town but I did have a friend I visited some time. They live near Autumn Mountain so we visit them anytime we go there.

"Oh well do you have any siblings otherwise it might have been boring?" Gavin asked.

"I have an older brother and I have some family that lived with us."

"Ooo I have a brother too, he's a Sophomore," I told her.

"My brother is the same age," she said.

"So you don't really have friends here?"

"No, not really."

"Well we'll be happy to be your friends," I said. I already knew I wanted her to be my friend. She looked so nice and I felt bad she never had any friends. "I mean if you want us to."

"I'd like that,'' she said. I saw Jackson and Gavin smile. I knew they would also like to be her friend. We were finishing up our lunch. I took Olivia's hand and led her outside. Gavin and Jackson went over to the blacktop to play kickball. The boys loved playing that game no matter what the weather was. I sometimes joined mostly in the fall and spring where it wasn't freezing cold like today.

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