Chapter 26

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(Olivia's POV)

I just want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be with the Legion and with Olly. I just don't like it here. I'm not talking about the school. I'm talking about this town. I want to go back to the Mushroom Kingdom. It started with a note on my desk. It had my name on it, so I opened it, I wish I didn't. The note said to go back to where I came from or there will be consequences. It said other stuff too, but I don't want to repeat everything that it said. I was so scared. no one else was in the room, it was early and the teacher was in the hall greeting the students so I crumpled the note and went to throw it away. The teacher was coming into the room so I quickly threw it and headed back to my seat. Still shaken by what I read. I pulled out a book and started to read it hoping it would take my mind off the note.

"Hi," Amber greeted me once she reached my desk. I jumped a little, but luckily, she never noticed.

"Hi," I said back.

"Hey are you ok?" she asked.

"I'm fine."

"Really? You look really pale, are you sure you're fine?"

"I said I'm fine." she left me be, but I still couldn't stop thinking about the note. The worst thing is that I don't know who wrote it. It wasn't signed. I couldn't tell Olly or the Craftsmen, I don't know why but I felt like I couldn't. I definitely couldn't tell the teachers I don't really want to tell them about it. I don't think I could tell my friends because I think this person was one of the people that hates me and Olly. From when the streamers were around. But I don't know who would write this. I just decided to pretend like it never happened. But that's harder than it seems. It was hard to focus, but I managed to make it through class. One of my last classes provided a short break. I had art class and luckily it's with everyone else. So I got to work on my drawing, the one of Shogun Studio. I also had the drawing of the Sea Tower, just in case I want to work on something else. I didn't talk to Amber and the others. I just wanted my own time to draw and think. After drawing the theater for a little bit I put the drawing to the side and took out the drawing of the Sea Tower. After a few minutes of drawing the art teacher came over to our table to see our progress.

"How is everyone doing?" she asked our table.

"Good," Amber said. The boys just nodded. I continued to draw, not wanting to answer her question. She looked over at my drawing.

"I love your drawing Olivia, what is it?" I didn't want to talk to her but I also didn't want to be rude.
"It's a tower," I told her.

"Does it have a name or is it just a tower?"

"It's called the Sea Tower."

"Lovely, what are you drawing Amber?"

"A forest in the winter," she said.

"I love that idea, and what about you boys?

"An abandoned building," Gavin said.

"A city," Jackson told her.

"Well, very creative ideas, keep up the good work." Then she left to cheek on the other students.

"I thought you said you were going to draw a theater." Amber said.

"I am, I just wanted to work on this for a little bit."

"Oh ok," she went back to her drawing, I tried to finish the drawing of the Sea Tower. All that I needed to do was draw the island. It was to add the water and other streamers in the background. I wasn't going to color the drawing, Scissors already hated the place. It was more just for fun drawing. By the time I finished it was time to go back to our last class. I had study hall with Amber. It was with our homeroom teacher. I still noticed the note crumbled upon the ground, my name was still visible on it. I went to grab my jacket and rushed outside to find Olly. I found my brother and joined him.

"Did you have a good day?" he asked.

"Yup," I lied. It was good if you took out the note. He stood up and started heading home. I followed him.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Well I did too," I said. He smiled.

"You already told me that." we were approaching home, just not the home I wanted to be at. I opened the door, and put my stuff next to the door. Olly did the same. I didn't see the Craftsmen, he was probably in the basement and didn't hear us come home. I went to my room and flopped on my bed, Olly laughed while he sat next to me.

"Tired?" he asked.

"A little," I admitted.

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know, sleep," I said jokingly.

He laughed, " I don't know about that, but we could play a card game."

"Ok, I said sitting up. Olly grabbed the uno cards out of the drawer. All the cards were there except for some on the reverse cards and most of the +4 cards. I still have no clue where they went. We started playing the game. Olly won most games, I won some though. A little while later the Craftsmen came to check on us.

"How are you two doing?" he asked.

"We're doing good," I said.

"Well that's good to hear, but Olivia can I speak to you for a little bit?"

"Sure." I followed him out of the room. What do you need Craftsmen?"

" I was talking to your teacher and he said a student found a note with your name on it. He read it and was shocked by what some student wrote on that note. I just wanted to ask if you saw that note?"

"Yes," I whisper, my throat went dry.

His face turned white, he sighed, "Olivia what I'm going to tell you is that whoever wrote that note will not hurt you. Do you understand?"

"I understand," I said. though I didn't believe a word he said. They were going to try. Maybe they couldn't hurt me physically, well they still can't, it just won't have long lasting effects, but it will hurt for a while. I still know that how serious this person was, they were going to try to hurt me.

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