Chapter 37

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(Olivia's POV)

So, it turns out the Craftsmen had an idea of what we could do over spring break. Because it was a week-long, we had plenty of time to travel. Meaning we could go back home and visit the Legion and everyone else in the Mushroom kingdom. I was so excited. Unfortunately, that meant that I couldn't go over to Amber's house. But she understood that. She said that if I return early, I should just give her a call or send her a letter and tell her that I can come. I doubted that I would need to because the Craftsmen said that we were going to stay as long as possible, but I didn't tell her that. That Craftsmen expelled what we would do later tonight.

"So, I was thinking we could leave after school on Friday and then leave on Saturday. That way we could stay a week."

"Sounds like a good idea," Olly said.

"And we can spend time with the Legion," I said.

"Yup, and Olivia the Legion said Bobby was asking how you were doing so you might want to pay him a visit."

I nodded, Bobbys been my best friend ever since I met him. I saw Olly smirking from the corner of my eyes. I just rolled my eyes back at him. Why does he do that? He was still smirking at me, and it finally clicked what he was thinking.

"STOP!" I shoved him. He laughed. "It's not funny!"

"Your face is red," he teased.

"SHUT UP!" I buried my face into my arms.

"Olly don't tease your sister," the Craftsmen said, saving me from embarrassment.

"It's not my fault that she has a crush," he said, making me bury my face even more.

"I don't like him," I said but I could feel my face grow warm. Olly could tell I was blushing even with my face buried.

"Sure you don't." even though Olly doesn't want me to have a boyfriend; just him being over protective. He still can't help but to tease me every time.

"Wait Olivia, do you have a crush?" the Craftsmen asked. He didn't know, I didn't even tell Olly. but he's my brother and knows me way too well.

"No I don't," I said.

"Yes she does," Olly said.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"No one," I said. Burying my face again.

"Oh it's her friend," Olly said, teasing me more.

"One from school?"

"I said I don't have a crush."

"No, the one that lives in aut-"

"Olly stop please" I groaned.


"Olly, we can stop teasing Olivia."

"Thank you."

"One day I will get you to admit who it is," Olly said.

"I said I don't like anyone."

"Sure you don't." I rolled my eyes at him and went to my room to escape his questioning. I started to pack for the tip even if it was a few more days away. I knew I wouldn't have Friday to pack so I just had three days. I didn't finish packing. I was interrupted by Olly knocking on the door of our room.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"This is your room too," I called in his direction.

He opened the door and walked over to me. "So you're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I just made fun of you for liking someone for ten minutes start and then you walked out of the room."

"That's because I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore. And besides you've treated me worse."

"When?" I could tell he was joking

"You really want to know?" I stared at him.

"Of course I would never hurt you or treat you badly."

"What about three years ago," I said, rolling my eyes as I did.

"I have no recollection of that."

"You tried to kill me."

"I did not."

"Three times."

"Name each time."

"One you put me in a wall and left me there to die, two you tried to kill me with a border and three you attacked me."

He stared at me "I did do that didn't I."

I let out a slight laugh, "yes you did."

"Well that just shows that everyone hates you." he playfully rolled his eyes

"No no no that shows that you hate me." I was joking.

"Not true the Legion attacked you too."

"Did you tell them to?"

"I told them to guard the streamers and stop anyone who tries to take them down. You just happened to be with the person who was tearing them down."

"What about Scissors?" I asked. I went back to packing and was only half paying attention to Olly.

Olly asked something about what I was talking about.

"You know the Handaconda that wasn't guarding the streamer." I said still not paying attention.

"That what?" he asked, making me instantly stop what I was doing.

"Scissors' cutout it's a black snake with a hand on the end."

"I didn't realize she made cutouts," he said.

"She didn't tell you?" I asked. Scissors and the rest of the legion told him everything that happens when it came to what they did they needed his permission.

"No, she almost told me nothing about what she did and what her plan was. She always played by her own rules. Though I never feared her for then I knew she would be loyal to me. After all I could and still can make her back into a little stationery item."

"So she still keep the same personality," I joked.

"They all did Livi, now tell me what was this Hanaconda and what did it do to you?"

"Scissors' plan was to prevent Mario from using the 1000-fold arms or any of the vellumental powers, she even cut up the magic circles. But she knew Mario needed me to use both so she sent the Handaconda after me Mario faced it right before her."

"So it hurt you?"

"No," I sighed. Olly was being protective right now. "Besides, it's dead anyway."

Or so I thought.

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