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Thor, Loki, and Y/n are children. This book goes from childhood until adulthood. Enjoy. :)

Thor pulled the reins of his horse, coming to a hard stop. He lifted his sword and pointed it straight at his brother. Loki smirked and took his hands from behind his back, reveling two daggers. Thor let out a mighty battle cry and leaped off his horse, charging at Loki. The two met with clashing weapons, a dance of warriors as their feet moved swiftly. Both were smiling and sometimes laughing as they trained, unaware of the watchful gaze.

You drew in a short breath, making sure you weren't heard. A large boulder protected you from the princes sight. You peeked out at them, wide eyed as you watched them gracefully fight. You knew who they were, everyone did, and seeing them so close to the part of Asgard in which you lived was fascinating. Why were they here? You had no idea but assumed it was simply because they'd found a good training spot. They flew backwards and paused, eyes meeting to inform each other they were done. Thor put away his sword and Loki's daggers vanished. Loki let out a whistle and a beautiful white horse appeared from the bush. Loki swiftly got on his horse and Thor did the same. The brothers began to trot away, laughing and chatting about the training session, when all of the sudden Loki's horse stopped dead and neighed. You widened your gaze and quickly turned, hiding with your back pressed against the rock. Had the steed heard you? You covered your mouth just in case. "What is it, boy?" Loki asked. Thor looked around, narrowing his eyes.

Loki loosed his grip on the reins and let his horse direct them to the disturbance. You stood as still as possible, not daring to make a sound. The horse neighed again and took a few steps forward in your direction, then backward again. "Is anyone there?" Thor boomed. "Show yourself!" He lifted his sword. Loki took his hand as pushed it to his side. "No need to scare them off, Thor." At this point there was no chance you could escape without them seeing you, so you took a deep breath and came out of your hiding place. The princes watched you as you appeared. Loki tilted his head and Thor was the first to speak. "A peasant girl?" he questioned. You slowly nodded and gulped, thinking of an escape plan in case this didn't go well.

"State your name and business." Loki said confidently. You inhaled deeply before speaking. "Y/n Y/l/n, that is my name." They still looked at you questioningly and you realized they wanted more. "And I was... um... coming to pick berries." A short moment of silence passed. You hadn't truly lied, you did come to this part of the woods to pick some berries. "I apologize for disturbing you." You stated, taking one step back as Thor's horse shook it's head. "Nonsense." Loki simply said. "You are just as welcome here, I apologize for my brothers behavior." He said with a kind smile, looking over at Thor quickly. Thor rolled his eyes and then apologized as well. "Were you watching us train?" Thor asked. You just nodded softly. "What did you think?" Loki asked excitedly. You let a small smile tug at your lips. "Uh.. you guys were amazing. Very skilled." The princes smiled. "Thank you, lady Y/N!" Loki said, bowing. You giggled, surprised by his kindness to a peasant like yourself.

"Do you live around here?" Thor asked, turning his horse. You only nodded and pointed to an area with small houses, surrounded by the forest that could only slightly be seen from where you were standing. "With your parents, I'd assume?" he continued, trying to get a better look at where you were pointing. You nodded to that as well and guessed he only asked because you all looked to be around the same age. You said your goodbyes and Loki promised that they'd return to this spot, as it was perfect for training. You smiled at that and they left, galloping off toward the palace. 

You weren't exactly sure what to think. You really just met and had a nice interaction with the princes and gods of Asgard. You let your mind wander and then remembered why you came here in the first place. You turned and walked into the forest, knowing exactly where to find some berry bushes to pick from.


After collecting berries and eating a few on the way back you finally returned to your house. It was very small and needed much work that you couldn't do yourself, but that was fine with you. You found ways to receive food, water, and anything else you needed to survive. However, your parents had both passed when you were just an infant and it hurt a bit to lie to prince Thor. You put every last berry that you'd collected into a small basket and climbed up a ladder that led to a loft. You pulled the blanket over yourself and looked up at the small, handmade window. It was getting dark. You then closed your eyes and let yourself drift off to sleep.

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