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You peered around the corner at the table. Freshly baked bread, potatoes and carrots, and other wonderful foods piled high. You had to have some. A man stopped at the table and placed a few coins in a jar before taking a loaf of bread for himself. You dug in your pockets, searching for anything you could use to buy food. Nothing. You've stolen before, and it looked like you'd have to do it again. Waiting for the right moment, you slowly walked up to the table. The man who presumably baked the bread and harvested the vegetables quickly went into his house for a few moments. This was your chance. 

You grabbed a loaf of bread and a few potatoes and ran as fast as you could in the opposite direction. "Hey!" The man yelled, rushing through to door and trying to catch up with you. "Thief!" You kept running, now fellow villagers staring at you, unsure of what to do. The man stopped, running out of breath.

You couldn't go back home now, in case someone was still following you, so you turned sharply and ran into the forest. A small pathway opened and you decided to take it, even though it looked dark on the other side. You stopped to catch your breath and gather the contents you had. You then broke a small piece of bread off and slowly ate it. It was delicious. "She's just a little girl." You heard someone say behind you. You hadn't gone far enough from the village, clearly, as four men had followed you into the woods. One holding a knife. Another with a large piece of wood, ready to swing. You dropped the potatoes in fear.

"Return what you've stolen and no one has to get hurt." The man with the knife said. You shook your head and slowly backed away. You were starving. It had been a few days since you'd seen the princes now and you couldn't let them know how hungry you were. "You know what we do to thieves?" One man asked. You continued to back away, holding on to the bread for dear life. "We make them pay." He lunged at you. You turned and ran as fast as you could into the woods. Maybe you should just give up the bread. But you couldn't. The hunger engulfed you.

Suddenly a neigh could be heard behind you, along with a few gasps from the men. You stopped and turned to see the commotion. "Halt!" Thor boomed, holding his sword in the air. Everyone had already done so. A few seconds later Loki also emerged on his horse. You made eye contact and could see concern flash in his expression. "Why do you chase her?" Loki asked the men. "Your majesties." One man said, bowing. The others did the same. "She is a thief, she's stolen food from the village." Loki looked to you, almost asking if this was true. You nodded, clutching the bread.

Both brothers got off their horses and walked up to the men. "Apologies for the inconvenience, but I'm sure you understand what it's like to be hungry." Loki said. The four men all nodded or agreed. "Here." Loki handed the men twice as much money as the expense of the food. "For the trouble." The men exchanged glances and then thanked him, returning to the village shortly after. Thor and Loki walked up to you, as you were still frozen on the spot.

"I'm sorry." You said, barley a whisper. Loki put his hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, if you need anything, you can tell us." He said, tilting his head. You nodded. "I was just... really really hungry." The princes exchanged worried glances. Of course stealing was against the law, but they couldn't bare to see you starve.

"We'll bring you more food and money to buy food." Loki said. You shook your head. "You don't need to anymore, Loki. It's not your responsibility to help me. So many are suffering in there." You pointed to the village. Thor nodded and then replied. "But we care about you, Y/n. That's what friends do. Let us help you. Let us help the whole village in any way we can." You smiled and nodded to Thor. Then, the three of you along with the horses took the path back to the village.

Golden Twilight | loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now