Bonus Chapter - Stargazing

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This takes place sometime after / around chapter 4 or 5. It's just some bonus soft Loki. ♡ Thank you for the support on this book. My goal for this year is to write more on this account.

Loki began packing everything he needed into a basket. Food? Check. Drinks? Check. Blankets? Check. That seemed like everything... oh, the telescope! How could he forget? Loki began disassembling his telescope, gifted to him by his mother. He was fascinated with the night sky and recently learned that you were as well.

knock knock knock

"Not now..." Loki grumbled to himself. "Brother!" Thor shouted excitedly from the other side of the door. Loki sighed and continued what he was doing. "I can hear you in there!" Thor said loudly. Now he was fumbling with the door handle.

"Alright you big oaf!" Loki shouted back before using magic to unlock the door. "What do you want?" Thor practically fell into the room. "I just wanted to- what are you doing?" Loki looked up at him. "Nothing important, what do you need, Thor?"

Thor walked around the bed and stopped in front of Loki. "Why are you packing up your telescope? You love it." A confused expression crossed Thor's face. "I'm not getting rid of it, you idiot. I'm going to share it with y/n tonight." Loki looked up, unsure of what his brothers reaction would be.

"Oh!" Thor bellowed. "What a wonderful idea!" Loki nodded. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'm quite busy so please get on with it." Thor nodded quickly. "Yes, yes! Well, father was just talking to me about how soon he's planning on hosting an event where-" Thor kept talking but Loki's mind was elsewhere and quite honestly he didn't care. He took the time to finish packing everything and made sure it was all ready. Finally, Thor finished and smiled at his brother. "Wonderful Thor, now if you'll excuse me I've got to get going before it gets too late." Loki swung the strap of the bag containing the telescope around his shoulder. "Yes, of course, but are you coming to the-" Loki didn't hear what his brother finished with because he'd already teleported away.


Loki took a deep breath before knocking on your door. It was getting somewhat late and he could only hope you hadn't gone to sleep yet. It took a moment but the door swung open. "Loki!" You said excitedly. Loki smiled a big smile. He almost fumbled for words. "I- I was wondering if you'd join me for a walk tonight. I know it's late, but I-"

"Of course!" You interrupted. "I'd love to, Loki. Let me get my shoes." You ran back into your house and Loki let his smile grow. Perhaps tonight would be great after all.


"-and then I told her she had to actually catch the fish next time if she was planning on eating it!" You finished. Loki let out a laugh, a genuine laugh that made your heart grow. "I suppose so." He said with a final chuckle. "Dear, I was wondering if perhaps I could show you something?" You nodded and followed him into a deeper part of the forest that surrounded your home. You already knew there was a clearing this way, so perhaps thats where he was leading you?

"Close your eyes." Loki said, turning to you. You looked at him a bit confused as you already knew the area well but complied anyway as he took your hand and led you forward. "Alright." He said, stopping abruptly. "Open them!"

You slowly opened your eyes. A large blanket was spread out on the grass with a basket in the center. Next to it was... a telescope? It was beautiful!

"Wow...!" You breathed. "You brought all this out here Loki? You're so sweet." Loki smiled and blushed a little. Before he could say anything else you ran forward and jumped on the blanket, laughing. Loki couldn't help but laugh too as he followed suit.

"I'm not sure if you ate yet but... I brought some snacks." He began unloading the basket and your eyes widened with excitement.


"I'm stuffed!" You said, laying down on the blanket. Loki giggled and laid down next to you. "Yeah, me too." He stated. You looked up at the beautiful stars and caught Loki staring at you from the side. Both of you blushed slightly. "So, um, can I try the telescope perhaps?" You asked politely. Loki looked over to it as if he'd forgotten it was there. "Oh, yes of course!" Loki stood up and you followed. "My mother gave this to me as a birthday present many years ago when she noticed my interest in stargazing. I know you enjoy it too, so I wanted to share it with you." Loki said, adjusting the telescope. "It's beautiful, Loki, and that's so kind of you. Thank you." He smiled and bent down to look into the telescope.

"Alright, that looks about right." He said standing up. "Have a look, darling." You excitedly took the telescope gently and looked into it. Your eyes didn't know where to look first as they gazed at star after star after star. You couldn't help but to think it was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen as you recognized constellations and even planets. "Wow, it's so... incredible!" You almost shouted. Loki laughed. "It truly is." He agreed, looking up at the night sky. He turned his gaze back to you. "It truly is."

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