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A few weeks passed, then months, and both Loki and Thor would meet you at the training spot at said times, sometimes together or alone. You were always so excited to see them both, but especially Loki. You may have only met him 3 months ago but at this point it felt like you'd known him forever. You talked about the smallest of things to your deep troubles. You trusted him more than anyone.

Most of all Loki wanted to make you happy. He loved spending any time he could with you and often brought you gifts, foods, or anything he thought you'd like. Life had gotten harder and harder for you until he came into your life. Both Loki and Thor were the best friends you could have asked for.

"Pull the reins harder, Y/n!" Thor shouted over the neighing. You did as he said and Loki's horse, which he allowed you to try riding on, came to a stop. You wiped some sweat from your forehead, the fear you were feeling just moments earlier fading away. You were getting the hang of it, but Loki's horse was probably just as mischievous as the god himself. Loki emerged from the bush behind you. "You alright, Y/n?" He asked, worriedly. He'd gotten very protective of you over time. "Fine!" You said happily, sliding off his horse. You gave the horse a quick kiss on the nose before walking over to Thor and Loki. "I should be off, father's taking me somewhere today!" Thor said, grinning. He walked over to his horse. "Where?" Loki asked, raising one eyebrow. "It's a surprise!" Thor shouted in reply before getting on his horse and galloping away. Loki looked back to you and shrugged. You could tell he was a little hurt that Odin never did the same with him "Looks like the rest of the day is ours." He said. You smiled at him. That was how you liked it.


"Woah-" you stuttered out, tripping over a root. You grabbed a branch overhead and swung yourself before you could fall. Loki who was running ahead of you came to a quick halt. "Y/n? You okay?" He asked rushing over to you. You laughed. "Loki, I'm fine!" and with that you brushed off your pants. Loki sighed and shook his head. "Always getting yourself into trouble, aren't you?" He smirked. "You're one to talk!" You said and rushed pass him, giving him a friendly nudge. He smiled and watched you with admiration, frozen in time as his eyes were glued to your beauty. "Coming slowpoke?" You shouted from up ahead. Loki snapped out of his trance and ran to catch up with you.

"So, where exactly are we racing to?" Loki huffed, catching his breath. "You'll see!" You said gently grabbing his arm and pulling him with you. Once you slowed down, you let go of him and pushed a branch out of your way to reveal a beautiful waterfall. He stared at it in awe and you looked at him happily, glad to see his reaction. "What do you think?" You asked, jumping to a nearby stepping stone. "It's amazing..." He breathed out. "I barely heard it a moment ago... it's like magic." You nodded in agreement. "Want to see something even more amazing?" You said with a grin. He nodded quickly and you took the lead.

"A bit of climbing..." You struggled out while pushing yourself up a rock. Loki wasn't far behind you. Once you were up, you slid around a rock while carefully stepping on a ledge, not looking down. It wasn't far, but you still didn't want yourself or Loki to fall. Loki followed you without question, even though you were getting much closer to the waterfall. You slid between a tight gap in the rocks, careful not to hit your head on the roof of them. Loki had to bend down a bit to avoid this. "Tada!" You said joyfully as the two of you emerged.

You were behind the waterfall, the sunlight streaming through any open gap in the rocks and the water dancing on the surfaces around you. Loki's lips parted a bit as he gazed around. You reached your hand out and gently touched the water, splashing a bit at Loki. His laugher turned to pretending to be mad as he did the same to you, ending in a water fight. Your joy and laughter echoed around you.

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